2nd chapter

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Lexie's POV

I'm not crying, I'm not crying. I will not cry over this guy. He doesn't deserve it.

Nobody's POV

Lexie was on her way to the car when a car approached her, honking because she just crossed the street without looking both sides.

The driver yelled something like "Hey, watch where you're going girl!" but she didn't care and just kept walking until she unlocked her car and got in. She tried putting in the ignition key, didn't succeed and slammed the steering wheel instead, hit her head on it and started crying furiously. She didn't stop until there were no tears left to cry.

Arriving at Meredith's house Lexie tried not to talk to anybody. All she wanted to do was sleep. Instead everybody was in the living room having a movie night, just the girls though but Lexie was not in the mood at all for a girl's night. "Hey Lex, come on over here, we're watching one Ellis Grey's surgery video tapes", Alex called out. I am not even gonna ask why he's even in the house.

"No;I really don't thi-..." That was when she noticed, Callie was there. The woman Mark got pregnant. I cannot see her right now, she thought to herself.

Arizona noticed Lexie had been crying. "Lexie? What's wrong sweetie?"

I just turned around without saying anything, stormed upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom.

I could hear everybody gathering in front of the door and what was an attempt to yell while sobbing: "Go away, I don't want you here!"

"Lexie, let me in, please. I need you to open the door for me now, Lex. Can you do that?" Meredith. She wants to fix it but she can't because the damn baby is on the way. She can't make Callie have an abortion and I wouldn't even want that.

"Not until she leaves. I'm not coming out until she's gone. I don't want to see her face!"

"Who's she?" Teddy asked around but nobody really figured out what I was talking about.

"Well it certainly can't be me", Alex stated chuckling. In response Arizona hit him in the chest, deservedly.

"Alright people, girl's night is over. See you tomorrow, now out. Everybody out. Now." Meredith was being bossy and that is usually not a good sign.

Alex was the only one left and I could firmly see Meredith's stare-to-death look right now. "What? I'm not a girl, Mer. I can stay, also, I live here. " Another round of death-stares. "Alright, alright, I'll be in the kitchen."

A little bit after all the girls left I finally opened the door and then went back to lying on the cold bathroom floor. It is calming. I can't tell why but Izzy was right, it really is.

"Lexie, you need to tell me what's wrong, okay?"

"Are you asking me as your sister or why are you doing this? I just stormed in and ruined your girl's night."

"I don't care if you ruined it. We've watched that video tape more than 6 times already. It gets boring. If you think about it you actually kind of saved me... So, mind telling me now?"

"Callie's pregnant with Mark's baby. He's leaving me behind, again." That is all I wanted to say, I just wanted to go to bed and never get up again.


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