3rd chapter

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Lexie's POV

"Oh, I am so going to kick that guy's ass. Believe me. Or I'll tell Derek to kick his ass, he's got a better right hook than I do." That's Meredith trying to cheer people up. She thinks she's being very comedic but actually she just sucks at that.

It is the next morning and it'd be time to get up if I actually wanted to get out of bed.

"Lexie, I'm gonna count to three. If you don't manage to get up in those three seconds you can walk to work." She's got that mom thing all figured out. "That won't be neccesary because I am not going to work, ever again. I'll just lie in bed forever, that'll do." I say, talking into my pillow.

"Alexandra Caroline Grey. Get the hell up now or I will drag you out the door like a dog."

"Your last dog died, don't kill me. Actually, yes do kill me because my now ex-boxfriend is having a kid with a friend of mine. Also, Alex already tried getting me out of bed, so don't bother. As you can see it didn't really work now did it?" Before my sister could talk back to me, Derek screamed "Pancakes are ready!" from the kitchen.

"Well that's motivation to get up. We're coming!", I yell back at him.

Four Seconds later I'm dragging Meredith down the stairs to the kitchen where a whole plate stacked with pancakes is sitting on the table ready for us. "I'm going to eat as much as I want and can eat because there is absolutely no person in this world for me to impress anymore. Yay me!"

40 minutes later we're all sitting in the car and driving to work. Don't even ask me how Meredith bribed me to go to the hospital. Let's just say it didn't quite match my standards.

Nobody's POV

"So umm, about lunch. Where do you wanna go?" Owen asked a not-so-present Cristina who's lost in thought about the upcoming surgery with Teddy. "Huh? I uh- yeah sure."

"Cristina!" Meredith called out when she spotted her in the lobby. "Have you seen Derek, he left alone after breakfast this morning. I need to talk to him." "I saw him in trauma 2 a few minutes ago" Owen stated, still waiting for an answer from Cristina.

"There they are," Derek walked in, "the twisted sisters reunited."

That's when Lexie who has been quiet the whole time saw who was walking behind Derek holding a chart. Mark. He hasn't seen her yet so she called out "I uh gotta go, see ya!" and went the opposite direction to get on the elevator.

The Beginning of the shift

"Yes! I'm on Robbins' service today. Ha!" With that Alex walked away, happy because he was on peds for the rest of the day. Lexie on the other hand wasn't that happy about what the schedule said this morning. "Plastics: Grey, L." Great, this is great. Professional, I am a professional surgeon, she thought to herself.

Lexie's POV

A patient came in with with a broken jaw and a wound on his right upper arm. Time to shine. Let's do this.

"Dr. Grey, can you present please?" Sloan said in a surprisingly professional way. "Uh James Murset, 17, has got a broken jaw and a wound on his right upper arm as a result of a fight in school."

"Thank you. So, James... We're gonna fix your face with minimal scarring and you'll look as good as new in no time, alright?" James nooded. "Great, you'll be going into surgery in a little bit over an hour. I'll see you in the OR. Dr. Grey, may I have a word with you in private?" "Uh umm- sure...", I answer, not sure as to what he was gonna talk to me about.

"Can we leave all of this behind just for those 3 hours in that OR, Lexie?" "Okay, I have to go, I'll see you in surgery Dr. Sloan."

It was hard to react coldhearted but it was the right decision. It's gonna make everything easier if I just try to ignore him as much as I can. Because if he doesn't exist to me anymore I won't want to be with him anymore all the time. That is literally all I thought about in that patient's room this morning. That can't happen anymore. And I hope it won't.


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