6th chapter

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It was two days after Mark had lectured her. Two days since Lexie's last seen him. One day since she has decided to leave. And now she was on her way to the chief's office to request a transfer to Los Angeles. She needed to get away for some time. Maybe meet Addison, see how she's doing and just get away from all the drama that's been going down lately.

She approached Richard Webber's office, knocked on the door and entered the room after he had allowed her to do so. "Chief, I'd like to transfer.. to Los Angeles. For two to three years."

An hour after Lexie had talked to Chief Webber about her request she found herself cleaning out her locker. The locker that had been hers for nearly 4 years now. I'll be back, she thought to herself. In the hallway she met her sister Meredith and told her everything. "Lexie, no you can't move. We need you here, all of us. And Zola needs you."

"No Mer, I know you'll be fine and I'll come visit on the holidays too. I promise that I'll be back for good in maximum three years. I need this, I really do."" With that Meredith hugged her tight and made her swear she was going to call when she got to L.A. safely.

Armed with all her stuff she went to the lobby just to see that many of her friends were standing there and waiting. She hugged everyone goodbye and reassured them that they'd see her again soon. The only person missing was Mark Sloan. Understandably, because Lexie literally threatened all her friends not to tell Mark about her leaving Seattle. Surprisingly it did work because he didn't show up.

"Take care of yourself, Lexie", Callie had said to her. "Mark will understand that you need time to figure things out." They hugged and Lexie took her bags and turned around one last time to wave at her family. Her family that she was going to see again soon. Now it's time to look forward, she said to herself, approaching the cab that was going to get her out of Seattle.

At the airport

Last call for Flight 703 to Los Angeles, California. That was an announcement for Lexie's flight. She hurried to board the plane and luckily made it in time. She struggled to find her seat when somebody from the crew told her she's boarded the wrong plane. "I'm sorry, Miss. You're on the wrong plane. This one's going to Denver and I assume you want to get to L.A.?" She'd told Meredith the flight number was 703 but she thought it wasn't important. At that point at least. Oh goodie, she thought to herself while getting her bag.

5 hours later in Seattle

Derek, Callie, Arizona and Mark were upstairs in Zola's room discussing the color of the nursery room in Callie's and Arizona's apartment for their soon-to-come baby. "No, it should be some kind of pastel color. I love pastel." Arizona said but no one was satisfied with her suggestion. "Guys, uhm- have you heard anything from Lexie? I haven't seen her in two days and she hasn't been here either.." Mark had pointed out askingly. "No- I, I haven't seen her." Callie's a really bad liar and Mark knew that. He wanted to keep asking questions but Meredith was shouting from the living room. "Gusy! You need to see this, come on!"

Everybody gathered around the TV when a newscaster reported that a plane crash happened. Meredith read the headline and gasped. It said Flight 703 crashed in the rocky mountains. Mark was confused and kept asking why Meredith reacted that way. „Mark... Lexie is on that plane. Or was." Arizona told him. He was speechless and had to sit down because he got dizzy. "Wha-? Why would she- Oh my god." He buried his head in his hands. Meredith was still in shock. "Thi- this can't be happening. Derek..."

"Hey, hey. No. Everything's gonna be fine. Lexie's tuff. She'll be okay, I promise." Derek took her in his arms and didn't let go.


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