"You're a vampire." Artemis whispered.

"And a pretty pissed off one at that." The man replied and crossed his arms.

"Don't be an idiot, nobody owns the forest. You're a lowly vampire, I have no reason to fear you."

Artemis turned on his heel to return to his palace but the man blocked his way. Artemis was dumbfounded by the swiftness of his moves. Even though his back was turned he still would've heard him run to stand in front of him.

"Lowly vampire? I'm hardly a lowly vampire for your information." The man sassed and flicked Artemis on the forehead. "And I do own the forest."

"Ow!" Artemis winced and frowned in rage at this rude vampire. "How dare you assault me like this?! Do you even know who I am?! Clearly not! I am Prince Artemis Ly--"

"I know very well who you are moon boy."

Artemis's argument caught in his throat as the vampire stepped back and put his hands on his hips. He had such an arrogant face, it pissed Artemis off to no end. How dare he disrespect him like this? But now he was most intrigued by the way in which he knew who he was.

"How--?" Artemis was interrupted by the vampire saying:

"What business does a royal ass like you have in my forest?"

"Stop calling me names vampire! How do you even know my name, vampire?!" Artemis jeered.

"Oh my! I am offended by you calling me by my species!" The vampire feigned surprise as he pressed a hand to his forehead and fell back.

Artemis gasped softly but the vampire needed only to use his levitating abilities to rise again. He sneered at Artemis and chuckled as he bowed mockingly:

"I am King Hades Crow, your majesty. King of vampires and master of shadows."

"King Hades Crow?! Is he really? No, there is no way. If he was actually King he would have to wear his royal regalia and be guarded." Artemis thought.

"Ha. Of course a lowly vampire who will be arrested in a matter of hours by my guards would say that." Artemis crossed his arms. "You're not even dressed as a King. You just look like a royally arrogant teenager."

"You're not much different yourself, your highness." Hades looked Artemis up and down.

Artemis scoffed indignantly. He felt like every time Hades addressed him he was just insulting him. He muttered a curse under his breath and rounded him to get back home.

"So, you're gonna make me repeat myself for the fourth time?" Hades glided in a laying position with his arms behind his head as Artemis sped up.

"I was looking for snow flake flowers but never mind. You've irked me enough to postpone my experiment. Besides, it's too damn dark in here to see anything." Artemis grumbled.

"Yeah. It's no wonder you're not walking towards your palace."

Artemis halted and realized he didn't actually know in which direction his castle was. Everywhere he turned his head to looked exactly the same, pitch black.

"Oh I probably should've mentioned this earlier but you've been walking all over a snow flake field this whole time." Hades pointed down.

Artemis felt he was going to lose his mind. How could Lamia ever accept a king this conceited and immature?

He bent down to the ground searching aimlessly for the flowers. Maybe Artemis couldn't see in this environment, but Hades could see all too well.

He took in the prince's full appearance, even his behind as he bent over. The prince was definitely small and thin. His crystalline marbled white hair and freckles on his face more than enough evidence of his lineage. He even had a pair of the iciest blue eyes he has ever seen in all one hundred and twenty years of his life. Despite him being so slim though, he definitely had attractive curves where there should be.

Hades felt a smidgen of pity at seeing the poor elf search around the ground in the opposite side of the flower field. He sighed through his nose and picked up a few flowers from the ground and placed them on his face. Artemis took them hesitantly and smelled them. They were indeed snow flake flowers.

"Do you need more or will those do?" Hades asked.

"These will do. Thanks." Artemis mumbled.

They stood awkwardly in front of each other. Artemis knew what he had to ask Hades but was too proud to, and Hades was waiting for him to ask. The seconds slipped by but they felt like hours to the two of them.

"Do you want me to--"
"Can you show me--" They spoke at the same time.

"You first." Hades said.

"No no, finish your sentence." Artemis cleared his throat.

"I insist."

Artemis gave an annoyed sigh and looked to the side. A light pink blush crept onto the albino's face and Hades couldn't help but gulp.

"Will you show me to my palace? I don't think I'll be able to see in this darkness." Artemis whispered and if it weren't for Hades' super hearing, he wouldn't have heard him.

"Sure, your majesty." Hades resumed his smug look.

Hades started walking in the direction of the Sapphire castle and Artemis followed a certain distance behind him. As they walked, they were in silence but their minds were anything but still.

"Such an arrogant bastard." Artemis frowned as he thought. "He thinks he can get his way with anything. Ha! Next time he crosses the line I swear I will hang his head above my chimney as a trophy."

"He has a cute ass . . ." Hades thought as he walked with his arms behind his head. "He looks so innocent and naïve to be a leader though. How is someone like him in power? Eh, beats me, Elf politics."

They were finally out of the woods and Artemis was shortly blinded by the moonlight. His eyes adjusted to the light and he recognized the tower where his room was. He couldn't help but feel uneasy about Hades.

"Well," Artemis cleared his throat. "I suppose this is our first and last meeting. Unless you decide to start a war someday."

"Have it for certain I will." Hades laughed and Artemis couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious.

"Oh god what the hell did I just say." Hades slapped himself mentally.

He gave a curt nod and shoved his hands in his pockets as he flew away into the night without another word. Artemis clutched his satchel and went back inside the tower.

He poured the contents of the bag onto his alchemy desk and decided to change into his night gown. Artemis couldn't shake a feeling off him.

He didn't know what it was, but it was making him shake. Was it fear? Anxiety? Or was it perhaps the words Hades had just said? "Have it for certain I will."

"Did he mean that as an actual war threat? Maybe he was just being an idiot. Yeah that's probably what he is." Artemis concluded in his mind as he rolled over on his bed and covered himself with the blankets.

He stared outside to the forest and goddess one last time before drifting into a deep slumber.

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