Start from the beginning

She was running late already.

Lucille didn't grab her breakfast, she didn't grab a book- she simply didn't have time. When she walked out of the door she threw her hood on, ready to run and once she was out in the rain she shivered.

This wasn't the punishment she thought she'd endure.

Her legs hurt from running so fast and she was thankful that it wasn't far from her apartment. When she entered the building she wasn't that soaked because she tried to stay underneath enough awnings to be at least dry enough and presentable.

And when she stepped in the elevator, her boss was right there.

"Where the fuck have you bee-." He cut himself off when he looked down at her figure- her state that she was in. "Your wet." He stated, not being able to take her eyes off of her.

"S- sorry," she mumbled and he pressed the button to the top floor with a little more strength than he should've because she flinched.

And she didn't just flinch a little bit.

Her back almost hit the elevator wall and she cursed herself so hard internally, but he didn't even look back. Lucille felt her lower stomach start to hurt again and she had to swallow the vile feeling that was rising.

She could not throw up right now.

When they reached the top, the elevator dinging, she almost flinched at that. Is that what it had come to? Her flinching at every single sound that alarmed her? She hated it.

Her feet carefully carried her out, Mr. Malfoy following behind her and as soon as she saw the women at the front desk in front of Mr. Malfoys office she wanted to cry even more. Her words still lingered in the back of Lucilles mind and she couldn't get them out.

Maybe that's why Jack does it.

Because I'm not thick enough.

"Good morning Mr. Malfoy," the women chirped, but he didn't even spare her a glance before shoving his keys inside of his office and pushing through door open for Lucille.

And she walked in very cautiously.

When Mr. Malfoy shut the door he didn't slam it like she thought he would. It would've triggered her if he did, and she wouldn't be able to handle that; not today. Lucille walked over to her desk that was exactly like yesterday, empty, just waiting for her to take a seat. She glanced over at his desk and noticed that he got his own cup of coffee and her heart slightly sank.

"You- you got your coffee?" Her voice wavered, and it made her feel a pant in her heart becasue she was to busy breaking down besides getting him his coffee and now he had to get it himself.

"Yes. Because you were 15 minutes late." He responded coldly and he didn't see her eyes start to water as she took a seat, her bruises aching all over her body.

"I had to run here-." She choked up her words and this made him turn to her but she didn't bother to look up. "I'm sorry." She mumbled gently, composing herself.

"Yeah." He responded flatly.


Lucille had been here for what felt like hours, rearranging shelf's and going through stacks of papers even when he didn't ask her too.

She needed a distraction because her bruises were starting to hurt worse.

There was a knock that sounded on the door, and before Lucille could get up Mr. Malfoy was shooting out of his chair giving her no time to open the door before he practically ripped it off the hinges by opening it so hard.

And there stood Lizzie, with food in her hands.

She had on a black skirt, and a white blouse, her hair pulled back in a ponytail and if Lucille wasnt so broken she would've wanted to kiss her. She found Lizzie extremely hot. She was also holding food in her hands, and she didn't give Mr. Malfoy any time before sliding in the door and walking over to Lucilles tiny body that was sat in front of a bookshelf organizing books in alphabetical order.

"Hey babe," Liz took a seat next her after kissing her cheek, "I got your lunch. Ced said he was running a bit late with work."

"Thanks," Lucille mumbled gently and when she heard the shut softly she looked back at Mr. Malfoy who was already staring at her. "Is it okay if she stays-."

"Don't be long. 20 minutes." He replied.

And that was enough to make Lucille smile.

When Lizzies hands touched Lucilles cheeks she was moving her face side to side. "You look pale. Are you okay, Luce?" She asked Lucille.

"Y- yes," she responded, now even more on the verge to break down. But she pushed it away and started drinking the bubble tea that Liz had gotten her, and it was her favorite flavor. Strawberry watermelon.

She ate her food, and sure enough she felt a little better.

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