Twenty One C

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Avni sat quietly in the backseat looking in her iPad as Manik drived. Manik had recieved a call from Abheer while he was in a meeting from the school phone, informing him that Avni had a temperature, her body was not hot but a bit warm, and he was not suppose to tell Avni that he informed this to Manik.

Manik had rushed to school after the meeting and picked his daughter inbetween her class. He checked she had a little fever, nothing much but he straight drove to their family doctor had a checked. Their family man was an old man, who Manik remembers was always old, he had not changed. However, Manik could see more wrinkles on his face now. The doctor had assured it was a little fever, he had asked if Avni had taken up any physical activity like yoga or some training. Manik had told him about the basketball practice. The doctor smiled and replied "Nothing serious beta, it's because of the training, happens, nothing serious the fever will go down till tomorrow"

From the doctor Manik had stopped to nearby pharmacy to take her meds. Then took her with him to the office. He was going to inform Nandini but decided against it as Nandini had an important surgery today and she will be free after lunch. Manik checked in with her assistant and asked her to inform Nandini to call him when she was free.

He had made Avni go to sleep on the large sofa in his cabin and put a comforter on her after giving her something to eat and some meds.

Currently he was checking the financial reports of the Surat site when his intercom buzzed

"Sir Mr Lee is here for the meeting" Manik remembered he had a meeting with his architectural head on a project in Adman. So asked Chitra to let him in

Mr Lee entered to see Manik sitting on his chair wearing light navy blue plain shirt, fitting perfectly in his physic and his dark navy blue tie with red stripes. Behind him was a glass wall which gave him the full view of his office. It looked magnificent as Manik's office was on the top most floor and the glass was such that only the person inside can see the outside and not vice versa

Mr Lee glaced at Avni sleeping tucked in a blanket on the sofa, she looked like a cute doll.  Mr Lee smiled and sat infront of Manik. After an hour Mr Lee left and Manik was sitting with his accounts department for the cost cutting of Surat project. After that he had a meeting with his personal assistants team. Chitra reminded him about the visit to Bangalore office, for the inauguration of a new department building. Manik asked her to pinned it on his calender and ignored it. He never visited that city.

Till then it was lunch time. Manik glanced at Avni sleeping and his phone went off

"Manik... Kya hua you asked to call" he heard Nandini's voice form the other side

"How was your surgery?" Manik asked her instead

"Successful. I was able to remove the clots and also detect and get rid of the small new one" she told him

Over years Manik had learnt not much but something about her work. Nandini's Appa wanted her to be a doctor and she had fulfilled his dream but for the fact Nandini knew of anyone was proud of her it was her husband. The fact that she could save lives was a big deal for him. He was there for her on every step. Her Medical education, training, for her studies, specialization, her first surgery as assistant, her first surgery as a lead. He was always there. Not like she was always successful, sometimes she wasn't able to make the person live and those days would be pretty hard, especially when she was starting out. But Manik was there. He had his job, his band, his work, but he always made sure he was there

"Good" he heard her

"Woh Nandini... Avni has a bit fever she is with me in the office, right now sleeping" he informed

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