Chapter 15

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Tanisha's pov * Nish in the mm*

Hey y'all! My name is Tanisha Robinson but everybody calls me Nish! I'm 24 years old and I have a 5 year old daughter Milan that I share with My boyfriend Asaad! I have a degree in business and I'm pushing to own a beauty salon one day! I have a passion for hair and clothes sooo it's always been my dream to own a salon or boutique! As yu know I have a baby on the way with Asaad and our relationship is on and off... but we're getting better everyday but I still have some trust issues..

Mimi- mommy look a seagull!

Nish- yea I see it! I don't want him coming over here tryna eat my funnel cake!

I said covering my plate and she laughed Asaad wiped my nose and I raised an eyebrow..

Saad- yu had powder on ya nose relax!

Nish- I kinda figured

Saad- so... did yu think about what I said?

Nish- what?

I said taking a huge bite and I felt my eyes roll back I don't know if it's cause I'm pregnant but funnel cake never been this good!😂

Asaad- us getting our spot together... our family is growing Tanisha and it's time to stop playing games...

Nish- I been ready for the games to end the question is are yu ready? Yu got ya career and stuff now... yu sure yu ready to give allat up?

Asaad- I mean I'm here witchu right?

Nish- right now yu are! Are we gonna have one of those days where Asaad doesn't wanna be bothered and yu start avoiding me?

Asaad- avoid yu? I never avoid yu Tanisha!

Nish- yes yu do! Yu do it every fuckin time!

I yelled and milan looked at me I sighed

Asaad- We not gonna have this conversation in front of Mimi if yu can't keep it civil...

Nish- I'm sorry I'm just saying things are good the way they are now! If yu wanna be with me then be with me but don't get in your bipolar mood swings and start pushing me away!

Asaad- we're not in college Tanisha .... we got a family now and I'm ready to settle down witchu and nobody else!

Nish- okay then.... I'm ready to start house shopping when yu are...

I said smiling and he smiled back kissing my lips, later that night I was in bed watching tv when my
Phone rung outta no where the number was unknown so I wasn't about to answer but something told me to

Nish- hello?

Some girl- Who is this?

Nish- who is this? Yu called my phone!

Some girl- I found ya number in my mans phone who is this?

Nish- hey listen, I'm not bouta argue yu want the man yu got em girl! Take care!

I said hanging up, I'm not even mad because I knew Asaad was still on that same bullshit! All he does is play games all day and that's something I don't got time for! My ass done let his stupid ass knock me up again🙄  I sat up later that night waiting on Asaad to come past as he always does but he didn't! That right there told me everything I needed to know! 

The next morning I woke up to the sound of the door shutting and I knew it was him! I got outta bed and made my way to the living room and there he was looking stupid as always

Saad- Wsup... why yu lookin at me like that?!

Nish- Get out!

Saad- yu mad cause i didn't come last night?! I got outta practice late and crashed at my parents house..

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