Chapter 7

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Kashmeres POV a week later

Ever since Kaiden met his father that's all he talks about I honestly can't even front like I'm mad because I'm happy! I wanted Kaiden to know his father and have a good relationship with him I got what I wanted but me and Aj still ain't seeing eye to eye he gets on my nerves soo bad! But I can't take a way from the fact that so far he's proving to be a good dad!

Kaiden- look mommy! Daddy's on tv again!

Kash- oh really? Yay!

Kaiden- Yu don't seem so excited....

Kash- I am baby! I am!

I said smiling and he smiled back I heard a knock on the door I was hesitant to answer because I wasn't expecting anybody but the knocked again and again! I got up answering the door ready to have hella attitude!

Kash- YES?!

Some man- Does Kaiden Alsina live here?

Kash- That's my 3 year old son? What business do yu have with him?

Some other guy came up with hella bags and boxes and my eyes widen!

Kash- what is all this stuff?

Some man- Mr.Alsina ordered that these things be dropped off here as soon as possible!

I sighed stepping aside so that they could drop off the stuff and just when I thought they were finished they brought more stuff! There was toys, clothes , jewelry Damn near everything yu can think of!


He yelled jumping up and down I looked at the phone and he had a better phone than me!😒

Kash- A PHONE?!!!!

Kaiden- Yea! I asked daddy for one and he got it!

Kash- Kaiden yu don't need a phone! You're a baby!

Kaiden- yes I do! daddy said I'm not a baby I'm a big boy!

Kash- Ughhhh daddy says this daddy says that! What else does daddy say?

Kaiden- he says I'm gonna grow up to be just like him!

Kash- Hmm yea okay! Look tuts! Yu can't have a phone yet!

Kaiden- But daddy said I need a phone so we can talk!

Kash- oh yeah! Well I'll talk to daddy about that!

I said rolling my eyes who does he think he is coming in here giving him all this expensive stuff! The last thing I want is a boujee spoiled kid because that means he'll grow up to be just like Aj 😒 the next day Aj wanted to meet up and talk even tho I had school I wanted to talk too because it's some things we needa set straight immediately!

Aj- So I wanna take Kaiden to Atlanta with me!

Kash- excuse me?

Aj- Just for a weekend! I'm not tryna take em away or anything like that!

Kash- oh okay!

I said crunching on some ice and he laughed

Aj- still chewing on ice Huh! Yu know that makes your teeth sensitive right?

Kash- Yu are still a health freak I see! But anyways august I not tryna stop yu from taking care of Kaiden buying him nice things is cool and all! But a phone?

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