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An awkward silence filled the atmosphere as we all stared at each other. "How about we board the jet?" Geo broke the silence. "Great idea!" I said before we all walked over to the private jet that had Geo's last name written in fine print.

"Preparing for take off." The pilot said and I turned to see Geo taking deep breath in and out as if he was nervous.

"Babe you ok?" I asked taking his hand onto mines. "Yeah, just haven't traveled since high school." Geo replied.

"It's gonna be okay." I said to him with a smile and he nodded his head. The plane then began to start moving and Geo looked like he wanted to puke. I placed my hand on Geo's cheek and slowly rubbed it to calm Geo down before we took off.


After many hours of being in the sky, we finally came to a stop. Geo was sleeping on my shoulder and I ran my fingers through his hair to wake him up.

"Baby wake up." I whispered in his ear and he slowly moved his head. His eyes opened and he began to stretch.

Whenever we finally landed, everyone grabbed their things and hurried off the plane. There was a white Cadillac Escalade waiting for us after we got off. We struggled putting out suitcases and duffel bags inside, but we eventually got it.

As we were on the way to Nolan's mom's house, we passed by so many beautiful buildings and sites. We finally made it to a house, but it damn sure wasn't Nolan's mom's house.

Where are we?" I asked confusedly. "It's my step dad's guest house. My mom said she don't have enough guest rooms for us to stay in sadly."

I nodded my head before I stepped out of the car. This was a nice guest house though. We all grabbed our stuff before Nolan unlocked the front door and everyone took off running except for Geo and I. We were so confused about why they were running.

"They're looking for the biggest room." Geo said making me laugh. As Geo and I began to walk upstairs behind everyone, we heard the biggest thump come from a room. We walked over to a room and all four of them were lying on the ground.

"What the fuck?" I asked as I watched all of them lay there. "Well did you guys at least figure out who was getting the room?" I asked, but they were all too out of breath to respond. "They can have it." Khloe said as she got up laughing.

"Guys there's a party happening tonight. Are y'all down?" Nolan asked and we instantly looked at each other. No one said anything, just stared at each other. "HELL YEAH WE ARE!" Geo then yelled and everyone began to scream.

"Everyone be downstairs at six. Dressed and ready." Nolan then said before he walked out of the room. Geo and I then walked away to continue finding a room. There was so many options to pick from, but we eventually went with the one with a jacuzzi bath attached to it.

"Now, this is a good room." I said to Geo and he nodded his head. "Then we're far away from everyone else's room? I think we picked the best option." He replied to me and I nodded my head. I walked over to him and I smiled. "Ready to have some fun?" I asked him as I put my arms around on his shoulders.

"Most definitely. I haven't fun in a while." He replied to me as he put his arms around my waist.

"I've been meaning to ask you this one question." I said to Geo and he rose his eyebrow.

"What's next for the business now that Derek is gone?" I asked, and he let out a frustrated sigh.

"I wish I had the answer to that question Hendia. They've asked me to take over as leader, but I don't know yet." Geo replied.

𝑬𝑵𝑫𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑺 𝑶𝑩𝑺𝑬𝑺𝑺𝑰𝑶𝑵Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora