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my heart melts. I could feel my skin starting to burn up, a smile forming on my face as I watched my reflection from my laptop screen. He had a way with words. Which I hated.

"and where would you take me on said date?" I tease, pretending like I wasn't completely in awe with what he just said.

"Well, we would watch the sunrise first-"

"We already did that though." I interrupt, correcting him.

"but not actually, physically together," He chuckles "Plus the first time we watched the sunrise I really liked it"

"So did I" I agree, my cheeks aching from how much I'm smiling "what else?"

"and then I'll take you to the cinema, we've watched far too many movies through zoom, it will be nice to finally watch one in real life." He continues.

"but will you commentate and ask questions every minute?" I laugh "you'll be the worst person to go to the movies with."

"hey!" he defensively says "I'll have you know y/n that I am an excellent cinema and movie buddy. It's not my problem that the movies we pick are so confusing."

"what is so confusing about Finding Dory?" I choke on my laughter, trying to hold it in.

"everything" he screams "If she has memory loss why does she remember Nemo?"

"We are not having this discussion again," I dismiss him, the last time we had this debate it lead to Clay adding George and Nick into the call for their input, for them to only shout at him and his stupidity.

"All am saying is Dory is lying about her memory loss," He continues, but before he can say anything else my doorbell rings.

"saved by the bell" I laugh, thanking the sounds of my doorbell from having the God-forsaken debate again "my pizza is here I think." I get up from my seat and then walk to the door, looking into the peephole to see someone wearing a pizza hut uniform, holding a single box of pizza.

Opening the door, I smile at the young boy, he looks at home and gives me a smile back "one pepperoni Pizza for y/n?"

"Yep that's me," I say, he hands me the warm box of pizza before walking away, I return to my room, placing the box on my desk and putting my earphones back on. "What's your Venmo Clay?"

"it's our date, you aren't allowed to pay me back," He says "have you opened the pizza yet?"

"nope should I be concerned?" I open the box to see a message on the inside of the box that reads 'you're very cool with a smiley face drawn on with a pen mark. "wow the pizza man is so nice" I joke.

"my pizza is yet to come," He says sadly "you can't eat without me."

"fine fine" I sniff the pizza fumes, making me so much hungry. "your pizza person better hurry."'

"I'll threaten them with my big muscles, y/n"

"I bet they're shaking in fear," I laugh "I am shaking in fear too."

"As I said, I'm just a man of so many talents," he says, "I'm irresistible."

"I'll take a bit into the pizza if you continue talking clay balls," I threaten "It's quiet ain't no back talk."

"You're actually a bully." he groans "first you make fun of me and my curiosities while watching finding Dory and then you make fun of my amazingly adorable self, worst date ever."

"You're right I'm so sorry" I sarcastically say "I am on a date with the one and only dreamwastaken and I'm acting so ungrateful."

"That's what I thought," he says, a few minutes pass, as we continue talking about random things before I hear the ruffle of his headset. "Oh, pizza is here."

Moments later he finally comes back "Ayo we can begin our pizza date."

"what pizza did you get?"

"so don't hate on me" He hesitantly says and then takes a breath "but I got pineapple on pizza."

"you monster" I fake puke "Don't hit me up, real ones know."

"it's a trend to hate on it, nobody admits that it's actually good."

"I mean of course you like it, you're from Florida." I bite into the warm pizza.

"Pineapple pizza is good" he repeats "I am sorry you're basic."

whipping my mouth with a paper towel as I watched his icon light up with a green ring "your name is clay and you're from Florida"

"Sorry my parents didn't name me a cool name like y/n." he sighs "My parents had the bright idea to call my siblings names begging with the letter C"

"hm clayballs and claire?"

"For every time you call me clayballs is another day i'll stop texting you."

"OKAY fine i'll stop" I laugh.

"you better."

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