25 .

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"I'm hungry," I sigh, spinning on my chair, Clay was editing while I was doing some work, he had randomly called me, and now we sat, doing our own thing while occasionally talking.

"eat then dumbo," Clay responds, he continues to type on his keyboard, concentrated on his work.

"We should take a break," I suggest, checking the time to see that it was 2 am, agreeing to pull an all nighter with him was already becoming a regret as my eyes began to drift slowly.

"mhm," he hums, something he did whenever he wasn't really listening, making me slightly mad, but I brush it off, getting off from my chair and walking to the kitchen, and opening the fridge to see that it was nearly empty.

"What can you make with bread and tomatoes?" I ask staring at the packet of tomatoes and loaf of bread sitting behind me. The light from the fridge slight blinding me.

"tomato bread," he finally replies. I take a cup from one of the cabinets and then fill it with cold water, trying to wake myself up.

"I guess i'll result to eating these crackers" I sigh, taking the packet of crackers to my room and returning to my chair. Biting into one cracker instantly making me feel oddly more hungry.

"Do you have nothing to eat at home?" He asks as I was starting to drift away, my eyes closing in on me.

"Yep," I yawn "How are you not tired or hungry?"

"I don't have time to do either of those things," He explains, he seemed slightly grumpy which was extremely out of character for him. "you should sleep."

"No I have to get this work done clayballs" I pick up my pen and stare at the piece of paper which I had barely written on.

"You don't have to be here," he says sharply, stabbing me slightly, he probably didn't want me on call with him, yet he did call me. 'was I being annoying? Did he finally realise how boring and annoying i am?' I think to myself.

"I want to," I honestly say "are you okay?"

"I'm good" He sighs

"are you sure?"

"yeah I said i'm good" he repeats raising his voice slight , a deadly silence filling the call. "I'm sorry, i'm just really stressed."

"I can go if you want?" I suggest "I don't wanna be in the way of anything."

"No stay," he comforts "you aren't in my way." I rest my head on my hand, despite what he said, it felt like i still was.

"Lets take that break you suggested earlier on," He sighs again "a much needed break, we've been working for some time."

"hm there's nothing to do," I groan, spinning on my chair again.

"you said you were hungry right?" He asks.

"yep," I answer "I had some crackers but I think that just increases my hunger, I guess i'll just have to starve".

"What food are you feeling?"

"i'm craving sushi," my stomach protest at the thought of another minute without actual food . "And some waffles."


I laugh at his response "Nope, buts it's probably a good combination. How about you? what are you craving?"

"Maybe like pasta," he laughs "extremely basic I know"

"very basic indeed"

"what's your favourite type of sushi?" He asks, the question throwing me off a bit.

"Ah i don't mind" I say "I like all sushi."

"Okay so don't attack me" he begins to say.

"Please don't tell me you've never had sushi" I interrupt him.

"well technically you just said it for me" he corrects. "There's only a few sushi places near me."

"Yeah same," I relate "you're actually making me hungry, I'm gonna have to stuff myself with more crackers."

"well save your stomach because I ordered us some pizza." He says. "is Paperoni okay?"

"You got me pizza?" I say, confused. "when did you order it?"

"when you said you were hungry duh," he laughs "it should come in twenty or so minutes."

"aren't you hungry?" I ask

"Yeah I got myself some too, mines taking a little longer" He yawns "We are having a pizza night date."

"wow my first date is with a guy than i accidentally sent a meme to" I confess, I never had that many romantic interactions with people, so even talking to Clay was something new to me. Even though we didn't know how each other looked like, I didn't like any of that mattered. Things felt natural with him.

"you haven't been on a date before?" he asks.


"well this one doesn't count" He says, before I could even process what he meant by that he reiterates "I'll take you out on a real one someday."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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