𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 27

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I had asked jean if we could see the turtles first and he said yes but we have to make a deal.

"Yes but we have to make a deal" He says and I was low key scared for a min

"Shoot" I say back

"We have to take turns seeing the animals because I really wanna see the dolphins" He says and It wasn't a bad deal I mean it's fair

"deal!" I say basically screaming with excitement

"Ok let's go" He says as we walked all around the aquarium and after like 10 minutes we found where the turtles were and we took pictures with them and everything

"Ight my turn:)!" He says acting like a 8 year old just got a candy

"Fineeee" I say already done walking because I hated walking to much

"Just hurry up babe" He says still holding my hand but walking faster than me at the same time. I was now using all my effort to run and we found the dolphins and lemme tell u I don't think I've ever seen anything cuter than them. He started petting them and everything. We took more pictures with them and started walking

"So now which animal do u wanna see?" He asks me

"How about the sharks?!" I say really scared but I wanted to see what he would do since he loves sharks and I don't

"But aren't u scared of sharks?" He says and I actually think I wanna see the sharks

"yea well it's good to overcome your fears" I say as we looked for directions to the sharks

"Ok whatever you want:)" He says and we were right around the corner from the sharks

"Damnn there fucking huge" He says and I don't know why he would be so surprised

"Why tf are u so surprised I thought you've seen a shark u dumbfuck" I said basically laughing at him

"Well..." He says kinda nervous

"Are u scared?" I say because he slowly started to walk away from me and the shark that was right in front of us

"WHAT! Fuck no..." He says going behind me and punching me away with him

"Pussycat" I say because he was acting like a really big one rn

" I'm not scared I just... I don't like sharks" He says to me

"So then why'd you say you liked sharks on our date last night?" I say kinda laughing at him

"Umm.....because.....I.....shit I don't know can we just please go" He says and I was crying laughing like no cap tears started coming out of my eyes

"JEANS SCARED OF SHARKS! JEANS SCARED OF SHARKS! JEANS SCARED OF SHARKS!" I say pushing him closer to the shark tank and the shark was looking RIGHT at him

"STOPP Y/N!!!!" He says running away right around the corner

"WAIT FOR ME YOU DUMBSHIT!" I say running after him. I caught him just standing there looking at me and I said:

"Imma start calling u pussycat😭" I say still catching my breath and laughing at the same time.

"Noooo"Jean said to me

"What else are u scared of?" I asked since he was lying to me about him liking sharks

"Just my heart being broken tbh, I don't wanna be in that stage" He said and I realized it got DEEP

"Well I won't break your heart:)" I said hoping he can ask me to be his girlfriend

"We'll see" He said and he got SUPER nervous and it gave off a weird vibe

"Let's go get Ice cream!!" I said breaking the awkwardness between us

"Sure" He said as we got out of the aquarium and headed to the ice cream place bc it was hella hot

(At the ice cream place)

"Hello! What flavor would you like?" The waiter said to me and then Jean second

"I want strawberry cheesecake!" I said because that's my FAVORITE flavor

"I want vanilla" Jean said being so basic

"Coming right up!" The waiter told us. We walked to a booth and started playing would u rather

"Would you rather be a snake or a shark?" I asked him knowing what he would say

"A fucking snake obviously" He said since he's scared of sharks

"Would u rather stop time or fly?" He asked me since it was his turn

"Fly so at night I could just fly to a mountain and watch the clouds pass by" I said to him

"Would u rather talk to ur childhood celebrity crush or talk to ur pets" I asked him

"My celebrity crush because my dog hates me" He said making me laugh

"Would you rather be my girlfriend or be my girlfriend?" He said with a smirk and I knew I couldn't refuse that

"Ummm prolly be your girlfriend" I said smiling at him and we kissed.

"I'm glad you asked me:)" I said as I pulled away from the kiss

"Me too" He said smiling at me really big. Our ice cream had came and we ate it all and he dropped me off at the house and I went asleep after a long, but amazing day.

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