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Sakura Haruno: Sakura came from a low class family who have always struggled to make ends meet, she grew up in a small town in Japan (like the countryside.) Because of all her struggles she had to work hard at a very young age to get good grades, and make some money with small jobs. She always looks on the bright side. Sakura always puts on a strong face no matter how scared/ sad she may be. Even as an intern she over works herself because she needs to send money back home to her parents. She always needs an extra reminder to stop and take a break. She is an Intern at Konoha Hospital.

Sasuke Uchiha: Sasuke came from a high class wealthy family who were always busy and could never make the time for him. Although his mother is a kind women who tried her best to be there for him she was still not home a lot. Due to his lonely childhood he learned to be independent from a young age. His father always compared him to his prodigy of a brother Itachi therefore Sasuke grew up very insecure although he doesn't show it once you get through that thick stern layer he has, he is truly a nice warm-hearted person. Although he's brutally honest... The only person who he truly shows himself to is Naruto. Sasuke is a Cardiothoracic surgeon at Konoha Hospital.

Naruto Uzumaki: Naruto came from a middle class and loving parents, although his mom was always there for him his dad was always busy with being one of the biggest political leader in Japan. Naruto always struggled with academics until he met Sasuke in 7th grade, and Sasuke would always tutor him before tests and quizzes. Naruto is one of the only people to ever see Sasuke true side. Naruto is very fond of his dog Kurama (ironic right?) Naruto is very friendly and makes friends easily, but once you start that bond with him there is no going back, he always puts his friends first. Although sometimes he can be really dense. Naruto is a Oncologist at Konoha Hospital.

Hinata Hyuga: Hinata came from a wealthy abusive household, she would always be pushed to her limits on everything and was forced to be perfect. Because of her background she hates perfect things, her apartment is always a mess, and whenever she sees something perfect like a new container of chalk she will destroy it. Although she had a problem with that she would never put someone's health on the line because of her hatred of perfectness. She's a kind soul whos insecure and tends to stutter over her words a lot, although when she gets closer to someone she starts to open up more. When she befriends Sakura she grows more confident. Hinata is an intern at Konoha Hospital.

Ino Yamanaka: She is a drama queen who can get what she wants with one cute pouty face. She grew up in a middle class family and a relatively good life. Although she grew up middle class her parents always had a hard time with money problems. She would hear her mother and father stress out late at night in their room when they though she was sleeping and she would hear them fight and fight. She got through med school by her looks, she is a beautiful girl and because of that she modeled as a med student and college student. Ino is an intern at Konoha Hospital.

Sai: Sai had a very rough childhood. He is an orphan and his parents left him on the outside of the hospital doorsteps. He grew up in an orphanage and never knew his true identity until college. He always have struggled with show emotion and always puts on a smile. He can be insensitive sometimes but he always means well. Sai is a 2 year resident at Konoha Hospital studying to become a Pediatrics surgeon .

Temari Yuzawa: Sister of Gaara and Kankuro Yuzawa. She grew up without a mother figure so she took on the rule at a very young age for her brothers. Because of that she had to mature very quickly, but she was fine with that. She is very honest and very stern, but really nice. And depending on who you are and what you do/say she can become physical. Temari is a 2nd year resident at Konoha Hospital studying to become a Otolaryngology surgeon.

Shikamaru Nara: Shikamaru is a very lazy person, yet very smart and will always get the job done. Although he may say everything is a drag he means well. Shikamaru is a Neurosurgeon at Konoha Hospital.

TenTen: Along with Sai she is an orphan but she had a relatively good life. Although due to the lack of attention she got when she was younger she has a very bold personality and is always trying to make more friends. She is happily married to Neji Hyuga. TenTen is a General surgeon at Konoha Hospital.

Neji Hyuga: Neji is the cousin of Hinata. His father walked out on him when he was younger so he went to live with his Cousin Hinata and his uncle. Neji was also forced to be perfect and excel in everything but he has always kept that habit. He used to have a cold harsh demeanor until he met TenTen. She changed him for the better. Although he still tends to get annoyed easily TenTen always keeps him in line. Neji is a Plastic surgeon at Konoha Hospital.

Gaara Yuzawa: Bother of Temari, he has had a tough life, his dad resented him because when he was born he killed his mother, Gaara has a quiet personality and keeps to himself. Hes an intern but already knows that he will become Gynecology surgeon to prevent anymore innocent mothers dying from their child's birth.

The rest of these are just background characters so im just gonna go over their specialty and personality

Karin Uzumaki: cousin of Naruto has a manipulative personality and tends to get whatever she wants. She has always had eye for Sasuke even since they were in grade school, but has always been rejected. When Sasuke applied to Konoha Hospital she quickly applied right after. When she start working there she saw that many girl had eyes on Sasuke therefore she started a rumor that they slept together, but no that never happened. She uses that on almost any girl that ever approaches him. Karin is a Gynecology surgeon at Konoha Hospital.

Kiba Inuzuka: Kiba is a flirt but knows his boundaries and stays in them. He is a 2nd year resident at Konoha Hospital studying to become a Plastic Surgeon.

Shino Aburame: He is shy and doesn't talk too much but he's very loyal. Shino is a intern at Konoha Hospital.

Tsunade Senju: Tsunade is the Chief of Konoha Hospital, she is a General Surgeon and she grows very fond of Sakura. She is married to the author Jiraiya.

Rock Lee: Rock lee has a very bold personality and is always on top of everything. He is an intern at Konoha Hospital.

Shizune: Tsunade's right hand women, If Tsunade needs something Shizune is he first one to call. Shizune is very nice but when she gets mad she's scary. Shizune is an Orthopedic surgeon at Konoha Hospital.

Kakashi Hatake: Kakashi's father died from heart disease when he was only a kid, and because of that he made it his goal to try to stop this awful disease from killing people. Kakashi is a Cardiothoracic surgeon at Konoha Hospital.

Karui: Although she wont get too much time in the story she is a brutally honest women who can be insensitive sometimes. Her and Sakura become friends almost immediately after they meet. Its kind of like the Meredith and Christina duo.

Choji Akimichi: Not sure if I want to make him Karui's love interest yet, but since this is a modern fanfic his whole personality wont be food. I will still add in some funny Choji moments for the Choji lovers tho.

Omoi: He is basically just another side character dont expect a lot of POVs out of him. But he will still be an over-thinker.

a/n hehe this took me so long... Although the story is mainly sasusaku there will also be... naruhina, saiino, shikatema, nejiten, and some more might be added as i go.

word count: 1408

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