Epilogue pt 3

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"We're getting married today!" I groaned and pulled the duvet over my eyes. The last thing I wanted first thing in the morning was Jordan's balls in my face standing over the sofa I slept on.

"I swear to god don't expect this much enthusiasm from me when you tie the knot." He laughed, after seeing the way he has been for my wedding I honestly dread that day. He's going to be such a monster bride.

"I'm just excited for you, I never thought we would get here it's been a road." He pulled off my duvet in one quick motion. "Get up we're getting married!"

Reluctantly I slipped into the breakfast counter besides Lola and spied her breakfast choice, pickles smothered in peanut butter. I arched one brow.

"Cravings." She admitted.

"How are you doing?" I guested towards the neat bump protruding from her tummy.

"I don't get sick anymore that's good but I can't stop eating! I'm always hungry." I smiled at her and fixed myself a bowl of cornflakes.

"What you're doing for them is amazing." She never desired to have children but agreed to become the surrogate for Noah and Zak though they used her egg donation as well. Although she won't fill a main parental role in the child's life she'll still be there supporting on the side-lines.

"I know, I'm the best." She muttered sarcastically.

"You are."

It was no longer than two hours when we were all at the wedding venue, it was beautiful. Windows filled the walls showcasing beautiful views and letting in all of the light. Flora filled the entire room and smelt divine, candles gave everything a soft romantic glow and all that was missing was my bride.

"Congratulations man." Harris shook my hands and I thanked him for coming. "That's an impressive cake." I looked over to the fourteen tiered wedding cake. Olivia and I promised each other that we would have seven and we owed it to our child-selves to keep that promise. It was a beautiful cake with white swirls over, on the top was an iced tree house and us cuddling beneath it. Our friendship bracelets sat on the board next to cursive writing that said 'Congratulations Olivia and Liam.'

I made small talk with Harris and all of the other guests before taking my place at the front.

The harpist started playing and everyone stood as my insides did summersaults. Faith was the first on to walk, her dark curls bounced with ever step she took and as she reached the bottom of the isle she winked at me causing me to burst out laughing.

Next the bridesmaids walked, Tia first followed by Lola. Jordan leaned forward and whispered. "Last chance to back out, I've got your back." I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck off." I mouthed without actually saying any words.

And then she appeared.

My saving grace, my Olivia.

She was an angel, her beautiful dress made with a delicate lace a bouquet of red roses in her hands and a sweet blush filling her cheeks. Olivia was everything I ever dreamed, this moment was everything I ever dreamed.

As she made her way towards me I felt my throat tighten and a tsunami of emotions hit me. Everything just felt surreal like at any given moment I was going to wake up from a dream because this was too good to be true.

As she got to the bottom I just stared at her, lost for words a kaleidoscope of memories flashed through my mind - how frightened I felt the first time I sat with her in class. I thought it was because back then I was so unbelievably guarded and I carried a truth around with me that I wanted nobody else to learn.

But it wasn't.

I was frightened because Olivia already had my heart, even back then. I knew she was the one capable of breaking down all of my barriers and rendering me vulnerable. And that's exactly what happened. I let her in, she made me vulnerable and yet I've never felt safer with a single person in all of my life.

"Who has the rings?" We turned to Jordan who looked at Zak in questioning. I felt myself tense. One job Jordan, you had one job.

"Oh, you mean me?" He pulled out the rings. Dick.

"The couple have written their own vows, Liam if you'd like to begin." I took a deep breath, I needed to get through my vows without balling my eyes out.

"Liv." I shook my head "Olivia." She giggled sweetly. "when I think about the word 'love' and what it means I can only come up with one answer, you." My voice most certainly croaked with emotion but I continued strongly, my vows were important to me "I always feared you would wake up and see me the way I see myself. I was lost to the darkness but then I met you and you guided the way. I have never felt acceptance as strongly as I did whenever I was with you." There was a shine to her eyes with the wetness of her tears, they made them all the more green and captivating. "You took hold of my heart with both hands and you nurtured it, cherished it and revived it into what it is today. Olivia, I thank you for your patience, for never judging and for not giving up on me. You gave me an amazing gift, instead of my fear coming true the opposite happened, I got to see myself the way you see me.

I vow to be best friends forever, to keep your secrets and to always share my cake with you, even if other people don't want me to."

"Liam" She began and I held onto the knot of emotion in my stomach. "You are the bravest and strongest man that I know. I always hoped that you would see yourself the way I see you because you're a remarkable human being who has accomplished so much despite the cards you got dealt with in life. I don't want you to ever doubt yourself because nobody could ever compare to how happy you make me feel. I promise, for as long as I live that you will never have to question if you're loved and wanted again.

I vow to you to be best friends forever, to always keep your secrets and to share my cake with you, even if other people don't want me to."

That's it. I couldn't hold it any longer, a silent tear fell down my cheek and I swiped it away. All I have ever wanted was to feel loved and wanted and I do. I have done for a while now. I am happy.

"Do you Liam Maines take Olivia Charles to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." The smile on my face was apparently contagious because every single person around the room was beaming with joy for me, for her, for us.

"Do you Olivia Charles take Liam Maines to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Can I kiss her now?

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Thank God.

I grabbed her and pulled her in close, smacking my lips down onto hers with an aggressive need. I silently vowed to kiss her like I did on our wedding day every single day for the rest of our lives. I dipped her down, in front of everyone we loved and proudly wore my inner emotions on the outside, letting everyone know just how happy I was.

I loved Olivia with all of my healed heart.

My saviour.

My light.

My Olivia.

But maybe my favourite one of them all - my Wife.


It's been a journey guys! Thank you so much for reading my stories, there are four in total.

BAD BOY SAVED. (livs POV) (sequel)
BEING FREE. (liams POV)(sequel)

Please comment, review or vote it would mean a lot. I have a few future books up my sleeve but nothing post worthy yet so feel free to follow my profile for updates. In the meantime I'll be going through these books and correct spelling mistakes.

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