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We bought some fresh fish from the supermarket before we returned back to the lake house. It was hilarious. I don't know why we didn't just tell the girls we went to the bar instead of lying about spending the day fishing but Jordan insisted it would become a big 'thing' that we didn't invite them so instead we picked out our 'catches' from the fridge and then couldn't stop laughing about it all the way back.

"Honey we're home." He shouted as we pushed through the door. I half expected everyone to come running to see what we had caught but they showed their lack of interest by not even batting an eyelid to our appearance.

I headed straight for the fridge and fixed myself an orange juice. Olivia sat at the kitchen counter with Lola flicking through a magazine. She looked up at me, catching my gaze with twinkling eyes and a beautiful smile. It made my heart skip a beat and I returned it immediately.

"Fires going, lets go outside!" Jordan shouted through from the living room. He handed each person a speared fish and explained how hard it was to catch them, pretending to be the big man who provides for the group.

It was a pleasant evening, sitting around the campfire exchanging stories. We were all buzzed from our day of drinking and I think that annoyed the girls slightly because they were all stone cold sober.

"Liam did something stupid today." Jordan announced through hysterical laughter.

Oh here we go.

Zak and Ben burst out laughing and I narrowed my eyes at Jordan telling him to shut up without actually saying any words but he raised his eyebrows at me, challenging me.

"Liam does something stupid everyday, what's new?" Reece joked.

The circle erupted in 'ooohs.' I knew it was weird, I couldn't ignore the tattoo forever, eventually I would have to tell her or she might see it herself but with the way things are right now I didn't think it was a good idea. I didn't want her to see it as some ploy to win her back. She wouldn't understand my reasoning behind getting it.

"Right we're gonna play a game. We're gonna go around the circle and name one thing about the person next to you that you like. It's good to lift each other up, Olive you go first."

What is it with Jordan and his games, nothing is straight forward. Everything has a hidden meaning or point. I was fed up of games and he clearly only picked Olivia first just so she could say nice things about him.

"Umm... I like that you're loyal to your friends even though you're an actual jackass." True.

"Tia, you've got a smokin' hot bod." Jordan pointed out making Tia gush. I rolled my eyes, he couldn't say anything nice. Had to go straight to degrading.

"Lola, you're so brutally honest and it's surprisingly refreshing." Tia complimented, I wasn't sure I agreed.

"Zak, you're a great kisser." She pointed out, remembering their truth or dare from the night before.

"Ben, you find everything funny." Yes, it's irritating.

"Reece, You're easy to talk to." He told her.

"Liam, your soccer skills are on fire." She wasn't wrong.


Keep it simple Liam, pick one thing.

Her eyes?

"Your eyes are my favorite thing about you, they're beautiful and they let me know exactly what you're thinking and feeling at all times. They're so vibrant and green like two rare emeralds that sparkle illuminescent in the light."

BAD BOY SAVED (male pov)Where stories live. Discover now