Non-Consensual Kisses.

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I sat on the pitch side bench breathing in the morning dew, small pockets of condensation lingered in the air anytime my breath exhaled but my body was hot after the intense practice coach put us through. I took a swig from my water bottle and could physically feel the cold liquid run down my insides.

Reece blotted her forehead with a small towel and breathed heavily. Both the girl team and boy team had a friendly match today during practice, it was actually really fun even though the guys got their asses kicked.

"You really fucked the team off the other day." Reece laughed.

I rolled my eyes obviously she noticed the cold shoulder my team gave me during the game this morning. Personally I think that's why we had no chances of winning because none of us were united. They think I have betrayed the guy code or some dumb shit like that because Olivia led Luke on in the bar. Either way, I don't owe these guys anything, I have no loyalty to them so I could not give a shit.

"Apparently so." I stated vaguely.

"If you ask me, Olivia was wrong to do that in the first place. She must have had intentions before she spotted you there and knew she was going to get caught out." Reece puckered her lips as she spoke. I watched her mouth form the words and I could feel myself getting turned on.

Fuck sake, not again. Calm down Liam.

"Nobody asked you." I pointed out abruptly, turning away from her and taking another sip from my water bottle to busy my own lips.

What was happening to me?

This isn't the first time my body has reacted to Reece or I've thought about her in a way I didn't want to. I was betraying Olivia in the worst possible way and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop. Reece was the first girl since Olivia that had caught my attention and I don't know how I feel about that.

She stepped forward making me feel instantly uncomfortable.

"I'm just saying Liam, as your friend I think you deserve better." Her fingers grasped around my arm and she slowly rubbed her hand down my skin. I flinched moving away from her touch awkwardly.

But I could still feel it on my arm, like blisters caused by intense heat that wasn't pleasant. It left my skin feeling sore and I wanted to claw at it with my nails to scrape away the pain and get the feeling of her lingering hands off me.

She didn't get the hint. She stepped closer to my body positioning herself only inches away.

I could feel the darkness crawling in, grabbing at my throat and making my lungs shrink to a no longer breathable size. What was she doing?

I liked Reece. I was deathly uncomfortable when I first found out my roommate was a girl but then when I got talking to her more and more I realized that she was just like one of the guys. She played soccer, she swore like a sailor, she talked about girls and she could out drink most of the guys on the soccer team.

Something about her reminded me of my hometown friends. With Reece I could relax and have a laugh, I didn't need to worry about offending her because she always gave as good as she got.

But right now her eyes were seductive and her whole manner was flirty. I wanted to push her away, push her so hard she fell on her ass. She knew I was with Olivia, why was she trying to compromise that?

Why was she affecting me in only ways Olivia can?

Her body kept getting closer with a growing hunger to her eyes as if the whole scenario was playing out in slow motion. I felt frozen on the spot with fear, not knowing what to do. She placed her hands flat on my chest, feeling the pounding of my heart under her palm.

I couldn't talk. I couldn't move.

I could feel him, he was touching me. He wanted to use my body for his own personal enjoyment but I didn't want him anywhere near me. He unbuttoned my pajamas and feasted his eyes on my naked chest, his gaze was full of seduction and it made me squirm uncomfortably. But I couldn't move, I was frozen in my own fear.

His hands moved up and down my chest, feeling every ridge of my small body. He removed one hand from my chest and placed it on himself. He bit down on his lip as his hand built up friction on his own exposed body.

"Little Liam open your eyes." He said in the accent that haunts my mind every day.

I didn't look at him so he removed his other hand from my chest and pulled on my chin to face him. Once he was satisfied with the positioning of my head he returned back to my chest, gliding over my small nipples, ribs and belly button while he played with himself.

"That's right little Liam, I want to see you when I come." He said with a disgusting smile showing his imperfect teeth.

Her face got closer, her lips moistened just a little and the unfamiliar smell of floral perfume made my nose twitch. Her lips hovered just above mine, ready to make contact without my consent. I could feel her small breath bouncing off my skin and instead of it being a light gust of air it felt like a tornado set to destroy me.

You're in charge of your own body Liam, don't let this happen ... unless, you want it to.

Just as her lips grazed mine in the slightest contact I grabbed hold of her hips and pushed her body backwards away from me. She looked confused and hurt but I didn't care about her feelings. Not when she made the darkness scream inside of me, not when she jepodized what I had with Olivia, not when she made me question everything.

"I'm so sorry." She finally said, wiping her lips.

I rubbed the back of my neck as I battled with my conflicting inner feelings. I knew I didn't want Reece, sure she was attractive and had a great personality but she was nothing on Olivia, not even close. I realize that now. But if I didn't want her than why was my dick hard. It stopped working for anyone other than Liv and now suddenly it's awake? Especially after I had just been fighting the demons in my own head.

"I don't want you. I want Olivia." I said with a certain sternness to my voice and I did not know if I was trying to convince her or myself.

I was so confused.

"I know... I shouldn't have done that." She said, pulling her hazel eyes to face away from me. I could see that her cheeks now contained a skim of blush showing off her embarrassment but it wasn't sweet like when Olivia blushes.

"Do not let it happen again." I told her forcefully. She nodded looking a little saddened. "And this stays between us." I added as an afterthought.

I don't know if keeping this from Liv was the best idea but I knew she wasn't comfortable with me having a female roommate in the first place and nothing happened so I think it is best I do not tell her and avoid any unnecessary worrying on her part.

"Thanks." She said as if it was me doing her a favor by not telling anyone.

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