The Task

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Luke Mitchell as Adrian above :D

I looked back at Hannah's shocked expression as we both realised that Adrian must have heard her confession.

I turned back to Adrian and for a second I thought I saw pain in those chocolate brown eyes. But it was gone as quick as it had come. He looked at me and said, "You have been called into the meeting room."

Now it was my turn to freeze.

I was never called into the Council Room. It was the place where my parents would convene with the Great Council and discuss different strategies for the pack. For the last six months, Adrian and Ben(his Beta) had started being included in some of the meetings since they were being groomed to take over someday.

But not me. Never me.

"Why? Is everything alright?" I asked, my throat suddenly dry.

"I haven't been told. I had just arrived and they asked me to bring you."

I noticed that Adrian was pointedly not looking at Hannah.

"Alright. Wait for me outside."

As Adrian left, I turned back to Hannah. I could see despair in her eyes because of what Adrian had heard. I knew that Hannah might have considered rejecting Adrian, but she would never do it. She had loved Adrian since we were kids. Being mates just amplified the feeling, but the love and longing would always stay.

"Hannah....." I murmured as I started walking towards her.

"No, Ilyssa. You have been summoned. You need to go," Hannah stopped me with a dull voice. "I will be alright. I can't make it worse than it already is, right?"

I hesitated but I knew I couldn't stay. I took one last look at her and walked out of the room.

Adrian stood up from his hunched position outside the door and we both started walking to the Council Hall. None of us said a single word, both lost in our thoughts. I knew Hannah's confession had affected him. But the question was, had it scared him.

As we walked into the Council Hall, my eyes found my father, sitting at the head of the table, with my mother beside him. Both of them smiled at me encouragingly.

Well, that looks positive.

"Miss Fireheart, welcome to the Council Room"

My eyes traveled to the other end of the table to look at Master Gupta, the Guardian of the pack. He was in his sixties and had a constant twinkle in his eyes. I liked him.

I bowed my head at him and at everyone sitting at the table, including my parents.

"I am honored to be here," I murmured.

Adrian stood protectively beside me, leaning towards me a little.

"Honored but not curious?" Master Gupta asked, smiling.

I grinned back. "Have you finally decided to allow me into the meetings?"

Master Gupta chuckled. "You know that will only happen when your brother becomes the Alpha or in case of an emergency."

I did know that. Since Adrian was the oldest, he was the next Alpha and when I was born, people had expected me to be the typical princess, good enough to make a favourable marriage someday to strengthen our pack. But I had different plans.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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