Chapter 9 - Visions

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It had been almost three weeks since she parted ways with Obi-Wan. And while the aching void he left behind slowly extinguished each day, her restlessness only increased exponentially. The pull of her destiny had abandoned her, her internal compass rusted shut, losing heart of ever pointing north again. She drifted aimlessly as the days blended together, her place in life was undetermined, and the nagging pit of uncertainty only further fueled her melancholy.

She spent a lot of time in her room those first few days as the rawness of the grief she felt in her soul was inherently evident on the mask of her face. Her new family was very understanding, sending meals to their room; and although they didn't know the depth of her personal struggle, they never once pried, giving her space to settle into her new life.

After a few days, when the well of tears had run dry, she would stay up late, memorizing every facet in her bedroom, and watch how the trees swaying in the nightly breeze would throw backlit shadows across the intricate scrollwork that was embedded into the ceiling. Her mind would create elaborate battles between light and dark that sprung to life; whether she was awake, dreaming, or somewhere in between didn't make a difference, as the light pouring in from the rising sun would always win out in the end.

She observed the sunlight slowly creep up the walls of her room, a perfect complement to the pale yellow wallpaper that covered its four walls. She didn't dare move until the sunlight finally reached Kyle's bed, watching the light pour over his face, casting a halo of angelic innocence that slowly melted the frigidness that encased her heart overnight.

Although she felt complacent in her new role; the only thing that brought her solace was the safety and happiness of her son. He would awake each morning, and climb into her bed and they would sing songs together; the same songs that her father would sing to her at night, when she dreamt of screeching metallic monsters. And even now, picturing their long, spindly legs, trampling over her, generated a ripple of terror across her body.


She and Kyle had fallen into a natural rhythm with their new family. Although they didn't have any set expectations of her, she wanted to pull her weight and help where she could. She mostly assisted Elizabeth—that insisted on being called Beth—, around the house, and with her limited mobility due to an accident as a child, which only worsened as she got older, Beth seemed very content to have the extra set of legs.

After lunch, Beth asked Patricia if she would assist her in the banquet room in preparations for Sarah's upcoming wedding. Patricia was naturally curious since she had never bothered to explore past the main living areas of the home, not wanting to intrude more than she felt she already had. She left Kyle working on his lessons at the kitchen table, which he begrudgingly agreed to, only after placing her hands on her hips and giving him a stern stare.

They made their way through the formal dining room, stopping at a set of arched double doors. Beth pulled them open and stepped inside; the room was only partially illuminated by the lights flooding in from the room behind them, but Beth seemed quite adept in the darkness. Patricia stepped inside and noticed dust motes clinging in the air, making it very evident that the room had sat empty for quite a while.

After a few moments, Beth flicked on the lights and Patricia was amazed to see such a beautiful jewel hidden away in their home. While their house was grand, it didn't compare to elegance of this room. Beyond the lines of table and chairs, hung ornate tapestries, golden wallpaper, carved masonry, and orbed crystal chandeliers, that sent out thousands of sparkles along the ceiling and the floor below; but what piqued her interest were sleek black legs poking out from underneath a white sheet.

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