Chapter 16 - Destiny

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Thirteen years had passed since they moved to the farm. Patricia gazed out of the wide kitchen windows of her home; the sun was beginning to rise, casting thousands of glimmering shadows over the miles of orchards and farmland that she had devoted her life to, these past few years. The lone yellow sun touched everything differently compared to the twin suns on Tatooine, it was wholesome, quiet, and serene. Every morning she marveled over its simplistic beauty and the quant little life she had here, with her son and adoring husband. Reflecting back on everything that had transpired in her life, she knew her destiny had led her here and she was finally blissful.

Patricia called up the stairs, "Morgan, Kyle, breakfast is ready!" her fingers lightly thrumming on her piano as she walked through the foyer where it sat. She thought back to the lovely memories of the times she taught her son how to play the same songs her father taught her, and the intimate serenading moments, she and her husband spent together.

She heard the pair clamor upstairs, Kyle of course came running down first, practically vaulting himself from the top step, with WeeGee tailing behind him.

He ran over to his mother and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, "Good morning Mom."

She smiled at him, he was so much taller than her now, and his hair had taken on a darker shade of brown, closer to her own, but he still retained his beautiful blue eyes with flecks of yellow swirling in the center.

"Good morning my love," she hummed, pinching his cheeks. Without missing a beat, he sat down and began inhaling his breakfast. "Kyle, mind your manners," she lightly chastised, he grinned at her with the same half grin that never failed to melt her heart.

Morgan came down next; his heavy footsteps practically shook the entire house, "Stealthy as a banta's ass," she grinned, shaking her head. Her heart never ceased to flutter whenever he entered a room. As their eyes met the same feeling of warmth and compassion soared through her, the same way she felt when they exchanged their marriage vows.

Time crawled to a stop as she reminisced, still able to vividly recall the way Morgan took her hand and slipped the crystal ring onto her finger. She was mesmerized by the way it pulsated in synchronicity to his rapid heartbeat, which she could now feel thumping away against her cheek, as he pulled her into a tight embrace.

An immeasurable time later, he led her by the hand into the kitchen where his mother was busy preparing a late supper. She was caught by surprise as they burst through the door, Morgan asking her to keep an eye on Kyle as he slept, for a little while longer.

Beth eyed the two of them suspiciously, until Patricia flashed the beskar ring in her direction, and her eyes lit up and she smiled joyously in understanding.

They made their way past the city limits and down to the river's edge on foot, but she could vaguely remember the walk there, as the euphoric rush fueled their journey.

The river's current was calm and quiet, reflecting the light from the Sullust planet orbiting above. Patricia gave Morgan a coy smile and pulled off her robe and began to strip down; Morgan didn't miss a beat, unzipping and shrugging off his work uniform, letting it fall into a pile at his feet.

They walked into the river, holding hands until they were chest deep, Patricia shivered, and Morgan pulled her close, she could feel his hot skin against hers, and gave him a gentle kiss.

"I love you Morgan," her lips trembling as she spoke.

He looked at her earnestly, "Then marry me."

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