Chapter 12 - Starlight

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The day of Sarah's wedding had arrived and Patricia could feel the chaotic energy surging throughout the house. It first began as an arrhythmic beat of aimless footsteps, echoing against the hardened walls. Gradually, the sluggish pulse grew with every clash of dishware, quickening with every chime of fluted glass cup, increasing in momentum as the decorators working tediously to revitalize the lifeless banquet hall. As more hands arrived, the reverberation of voices, gave rise to a constant flow of vigorous energy, finally breaking through the blockade of quietude. She felt the house reanimate with life, taking in momentary breaths of stillness, and boisterous pulses of noise, endowing it a sentience all of its own.

Patricia snapped her book closed when she heard heated voices wafting through the halls. She quickly left her room, searching for the source of the commotion, first taking a peek at the overly elaborate spread in the banquet room, but it sat unusually empty. She turned the corner and headed into the kitchen, almost running into the caterer, who was making a loud fuss to Beth over Kyle sneaking a piece of sweet cake off the table. Beth stood her ground and reprimanded the caterer for being so ill-mannered towards a small child. Kyle eyed his mother in concern after being chastised, but she couldn't be too upset with him—it was his favorite dessert that she made for him when they lived in Naboo.

She smiled as she thought back to all the bittersweet memories she had made there with Kyle. Remembering the joy of seeing him take his first steps, and leaving his tiny imprints in the flour-dusted floor. And the first time she heard him say his first words, 'nee-nee' to the Baker's wife, Nina, who doted on him constantly. And as he got older, the immense pride she felt when he kneaded his first loaf of bread; and then the laughter that ensued when he raised it high into the air with a triumphant grin, only to drop it on the floor, with a loud splat.

The bitterness never failing to follow, she recalled the way her heart came to a screeching halt when he toppled over a stack of rising trays he was attempting to climb, but used the force to push them away, leaving her feeling terrified and uncertain about his future. She wiped off his messy face and straightened out his robes, giving him a quick kiss before sending him back to their bedroom—his eyes never leaving the dessert table as he stomped off.

Patricia remained eerily calm as time flittered by, but was still worried about Morgan's sudden disappearance and what had transpired between him and his father the day he left so suddenly. She silently called to him, hoping her would hear her pleas to come home. And although Sarah had tried to reassure her, claiming— 'That is the nature of the beast.' Patricia hoped he at least valued their growing friendship and would warn her, if he was reneging of his promise to stay out of harm's way.

As the hour drew near, Patricia dressed for the festivities. She slipped on her new dress, and gazed at herself in the mirror. It wasn't what she was accustomed to; typically opting for comfort over fashion, but it was nonetheless beautiful. The dress was floor length, off the shoulder, and the bodice was set in shimmering white crystals that flowed out at the waist. But her favorite part was the iridescent Amethyst colors that shifting around as she walked. Sarah said she picked out the color herself, with a devilish grin on her angelic face, Patricia only shaking her head at whatever scheme she was up to.

Forgoing her usual braid, she styled her wavy hair, pinning half up in a simple twist, while letting the rest cascade around her bare shoulders. Patricia dug through her jewelry box looking for some hair pins to match, but heard Paul call out, letting her know they were leaving for the Temple. She quickly grabbed her new shoes off the bed, and ran barefoot through the halls calling out for Kyle. She finally found him hiding under the dessert table, eating sweet cake to his heart's delight. She chuckled at the sight of him, ever thankful he hadn't stained his clothes, quickly grabbing a napkin to clean off his face and helped him into the landspeeder, where she slipped on her uncomfortably tight shoes.

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