Chapter 14 - Kindred

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Eons had passed since she last heard her son's laughter echo throughout the house. Elizabeth observed the newly paired couple walk into the room, an amused smile spread across her face as they tried to conceal the fact they were holding hands but a moment ago.

Thankfully, Paul had business in town, so he left earlier in the morning, and with Sarah well on her way to Naboo for her honeymoon, it was just she and Kyle.

He was such a sweet boy, he reminded her of Morgan when he was younger, full of energy and a mischievous shine in his bright blue eyes. And contrary to what Paul thought about their union, Elizabeth was delighted beyond measure that they had found each other, two kindred spirits, shaped, guided, and brought together by the Maker and the Force.

Elizabeth probed Morgan, "So what else did you two have planned for today?" giving him a saccharine smile, thoroughly enjoying the way her son's face switched from horrified to indifferent, within a fraction of a second.

"Well, Buir, it would behoove you to know that I have to go to work today," giving her a smug look.

"You, a job?" she playfully scoffed.

He crossed his arms, "Yes, and a respectable one at that, a droid mechanic at the SoroSuub Corp."

"Impressive, I didn't know you had it in you," Patricia teased.

"Hey now, don't you both start ganging up on me," he laughed, thoroughly enjoying the moment between the two women he loved the most.


After they finished up breakfast, Morgan grabbed his gear out of his room and went to say goodbye to Patricia, but she was already outside waiting for him.

"And where do you think you are going?" he asked sarcastically.

"I wanted to see you off on your first day," giving him a pouty smile.

He hesitated for a moment before answering, "Fine, but only to the hub, any further than that is too dangerous."

"I can take care of myself," she argued, linking her arm into his as they walked over the canal.

He grimaced at her, "I know you can, but I'm worried about everyone else, I still have scorch marks on my hands."

She gave him a worried look, grabbing his hands and inspected them closely.

He let out a deep chuckle, "I told you, I'm not complaining cyar'ika," he pulled her close and kissed her.


As Morgan walked home from his evening shift, he gazed up at the clear night sky, and for the first time in his life, he didn't feel the overwhelming urge to scour the galaxy in pursuit for something to fill the dark, gaping void that always followed him.

His life was one turbulent wave after another, never ending wallows of sorrow and loneliness. His thoughts shifted to his father, and their last major fight, several months ago, distinctly remembering the hurt he felt when his father said, he was wasting his potential. Morgan just stormed out, but later as he snuck out of the house for a two month stint with the Resistance, he overheard his father breaking down in his mother's arms, weeping, 'He will never appreciate James's sacrifice.'

Morgan could never receive a clear explanation from his mother after that, she would only say his father was stressed with work or the anniversary of his brother's death was taking a toll on him. In any case, things have been lukewarm between him and his father since he began working and finally taking on some semblance of responsibility deemed worthy in his father's eyes, but there was too much damage done and too many secrets kept, to ever fully repair their insubstantial relationship.

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