Chapter 7 - Concerto

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After putting Kyle to bed, Obi-Wan excused himself, he was being distant, but after everything that occurred outside, Patricia could understand his desire for reflection. She watched him with morose as he disappeared into the shadows, hoping he would look back at her, but he never did. Feeling defeated, she grabbed her things and headed to the refresher.

Exhausted to her core, she leaned her head against the shower wall, letting the hot water pummel her back, melting away the stress of the day. She tried to make sense of the force voice that called out to her, it reminded her of her mother's voice, at least what she could remember of her mother, having been younger than Kyle when she passed. Patricia let out a deep sigh over the faded memories, she turned off the water and toweled off. The message was clear however, her journey was not done, there was still more that lay ahead of her and she needed to somehow figure out her next step. She slipped on her nightgown and ran a brush through her hair, not even able to summon the will to braid it and instead headed straight to bed.

As she closed her eyes, she felt a familiar warmth on her skin, it was Obi-Wan, pushing the force around him as he meditated. She let it envelop and relax her, but she was curious what more she could feel through the Jedi's energy force. She closed her eyes and envisioned the silk web that Obi-Wan had described feeling, imagining she was slowly rubbing each individual strand through her fingertips.

Caressing each one caused a different feeling to undulate through her, sadness, hope, guilt, pain, and something else she couldn't quite grasp, it was just out of reach, but with one final tug, she finally got ahold of it – it was anger. She felt a sudden push back from the Jedi, like an elastic band snapping against her skin, her eyes flung open and she sat up, worry and sadness passed through her without her even reaching for it. She leapt from bed and quietly moved through the living room and down into the cellar.

She saw Obi-Wan standing in front of the window, peering out, a solemn look across his features. "I'm sorry Obi-Wan, that was foolish of me," she said apologetically from across the room.

"I cannot lecture you about exploring your gifts, but perhaps a bit more consideration next time," he smiled weakly, still looking out the window into the distance.

Patricia walked up to him, he looked so vulnerable and devastatingly somber; she could feel the sadness radiating off of him, which only made the ache in her heart intensify. "It's my fault you're feeling this way, Kyle and I will depart in the morning," her voice was laced with guilt, trying desperately to think of any way to make him feel better.

"It is not your fault, and I'm glad you are here, both of you," his eyes twinkled with emotion.

"Kyle reminds me so much of his father, same playful humor and mannerisms," he suddenly looked at her with a burning intensity, "Anakin was my Padawan learner, my brother, and I failed him, I could not bring him back from the dark side," her heart sank at his wounded words.

Patricia knew they had a special connection, but hearing it now, made her choke with emotion as she spoke, "Even after all he's done, even to me, I believe there is still goodness in him, I know that."

He scoffed and crossed his arms in front of his chest, "After all he's done, every atrocity he has committed, I cannot believe that...," his eyes narrowed.

Patricia placed her hand on his forearm and leaned in closer, "He found me, not even two weeks ago, and warned me to leave before the Inquisitors found Kyle. He sent me here, to Tatooine to find you, if that doesn't prove there's still good in him."

Obi-Wan interrupted, his body stiffened in defense, "Wait, he knows I am here?" She nodded, sensing his abrupt concern. He brought a hand up to his beard, and stroked it gently, "What else did he tell you?" his guard was up, eying her cautiously.

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