Chapter 8 - Horizon

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Patricia slowly roused from a dreamless sleep, her mind pulling at edges of her senses until they came into focus. She could feel the warm sunlight dance across her face, and the distant laughter of children interlaced with muffled voices.

She groaned in dissatisfaction as fatigue weighed heavily upon her, struggling to even open her eyes. Her vision was blurry and disoriented, but the strangeness of the room caused her mind to snap alert until she remembered she was staying in Obi-Wan's hut. A typhoon of memories poured over her as she remembered their passion filled night together, and a blush bit her cheeks as she suddenly realized she was still naked under the twist of sheets.

She turned her head to the spot beside her, fully expecting to see her son asleep, but he was gone; panic ensued and she let out a fearful gasp. Hugging the white sheet that barely covered her, she pushed back the privacy curtain and staggered to her unsteady feet. She rushed out, forcing her sagging body to propel itself forward, and followed the voices until she saw Kyle sitting at the kitchen table with Luke, Beru, and Obi-Wan, who immediately turned to look at her, rendered speechless by her wild locks and disheveled state.

Breaking the awkward silence, Kyle shouted, "Mommy, mommy, you're awake!" and came rushing to her side.

She half bent over and embraced him as Obi-Wan came up behind her and wrapped his robe around her shoulders, trying to keep Patricia from exposing herself any more than she already had. She locked eyes with him, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as they exchanged knowing smiles, Obi-Wan desperately trying to hide the smirk that threatened to form on his face.

Her eyes drifted to Beru, who had cleared her throat, giving Patricia a curious smile, and an inquisitive eyebrow raise. "Patricia, I'm glad you're feeling better, Ben mentioned you were feeling out of sorts and needed to rest for a few days," she asked with more curiosity than concern seeing her compromised state.

"Days...?" Patricia's face twisted in confusion, craning her head to look at Obi-Wan, he gave her an apologetic glance before answering.

Instilling the lie he had already told Beru, he remarked, "Yes, you were feeling pretty ill from traveling; you have been asleep for almost three days now."

Patricia blinked slowly, her mind reeling at the thought, she felt Obi-Wan tug at her shoulders, "Let's get you cleaned up, and I'll make you something to eat," he gently urged.

He led her into the refresher, and quietly closing the door behind them. His facade softened as he looked her over, still partially holding her upright. "How are you feeling?" he asked with nervous concern, scrutinizing her every move and facial expression as she recovered from her fatigue-induced slumber.

"My head feels a bit muddled, and body a bit stiff, but fine otherwise." Her concern switched to her son, "How's Kyle, is he doing okay? Was he worried?"

Obi-Wan smiled in relief at her returning lucidity. He turned on the shower as he spoke, "He is doing just fine," a smile spread across his face, "Beru offered to help, he has been enjoying spending time with Luke, they are quite the pair," he lightly chuckled.

He slipped off the robe that hung around her shoulders, and freed the sheet Patricia had clutched tightly to her chest, and helped her into the shower. The hot water cascaded down her back and she shuddered in response, the stiffness of her body already melting away.

"I will be right outside if you need anything," she heard him say through the dense fog that was forming around her.

"Thank you darling," she replied, he paused for a long moment before leaving, letting out an uncharacteristic sigh.

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