I did the same with conditioner and body wash too.

I had a towel wrapped around me and was blow drying my hair. I smiled at myself in the mirror because I felt good that I was now clean and smelling fresh. I never really blow dried my hair before so I kinda burnt myself a couple of times but nothing to bad. After I was done my hair was really fluffy and not to mention really soft. I didn't really style it I just let it fall wherever it wanted.

I didn't really know what I was supposed to do for clothes so I stood there for a minute contemplating what I should do. I was kind of scared to go out of the bathroom into the room we entered to get in here.

I peaked out the door and saw him sitting on his bed going through his phone I guess with glasses on. "S'cuse me I'm done." I said softly. He looked over and took his glasses off. He grabbed something off the bed and walked over to me. I held out my hand and he placed a lavender colored whatever it was in my hands. I furrowed my eyebrows and closed the door putting the outfit on the counter.

I looked at the counter and blinked at the outfit I laid out. My cheeks turned red at the very thought of it on me. I'm not going to lie I have tried skirts and tank tops on but not any this short and definitely not in front of anyone.

I closed my eyes tight and sighed.

I put the outfit on and sat on the floor for a couple minutes. I'm not going to lie it was really cute and I did look actually really cute in it but it was super short and I did not feel like going out there showing my ass off to some creep.

The outfit was all lavender with a skirt that didn't cover my ass and a cropped tank top. There was knee high white socks that had lace at the top. The white of the socks matched the two white stripes on the bottom of the skirt.

Now I know what "fitting to me" means.

I heard a knock at the door. "Are you done?"

"Yeah, but I-." Before I got the chance to mutter out the last bit of my sentence he opened the door. "Oh I thought you were hurt. What're you doing on the floor after you just got cleaned up?" He looked down at me with plain eyes. I tilted my head a little and got up. "You... didn't? You don't? What?"

He ignored me for some reason and walked out of the bathroom. "Would you like something to eat or drink? Do you drink wine?"

"Uh yeah but..." I followed him. "You like champagne better?" He asked walking into his kitchen. "Yeah but... Quinn says I can't drink recreationally." I folded my hands behind my back. "Don't worry about Quinn." He got out two champagne glasses. I rocked back on my heels. "Okay, I guess."

"Would you like a piece of cake too?"

"Um sure... was it your birthday or something?" I asked. He shook his head. "No just wanted cake, I guess. Could you bring the glasses, please?" He asked as he turned around. I nodded and grabbed the champagne glasses. "That's expensive champagne."

"I guess." He shrugged. I chuckled. "What you've had more expensive champagnes?"

"I've been around the world and have had the most expensive chocolate in the world... just because I wanted to."

I snickered a little. "Do you have a sweet tooth?" He shrugged. "I might." He chuckled. "It's actually surprising that I don't have a bad figure. I actually have to work out a lot to keep this." We walked into a room with a large couch and tv screen that actually wasn't too big.

"I've been blessed with fast metabolism." I smiled and sat on the couch. He sat down but kept his distance. This guy is actually very respectful.

"Yeah, I can tell." He chuckled. "Um... why'd you put me in this outfit?" I asked holding out a glass so he could pour some champagne into it. "I couldn't find anything else that looked like it would fit you. Plus, that looks very flattering on you." I smiled. "I know." He raised an eyebrow while pouring into the second cup. "Cocky aren't we."

"Just a bit." I chuckled.

"Darn I forgot plates." He said looking at the cake. "Why not just eat it straight out of the box er whatever?" I sat on my legs. He looked at me and smiled. "Good thinking."

His smile made me blush for whatever reason and I looked away.

"Here..." I looked back and he was holding a forkful of chocolate cake out to me. I crawled on my knees closed to him and took a bite. "Mmm... how much did that cost?" I chuckled. He shrugged. "I'm not sure."

"Do you not check prices?"

"Not always but I guess sometimes." He took a sip of his champagne. "If it's really important."

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