Once through the door, the creature's nostrils sniffed the air frantically until it paused, catching a scent. I watched as it's deranged red eyes trained themselves on me, and it charged. Terrified, I stood there frozen, until I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and lift.

Next thing I knew I was a few feet off the ground and rising as Elias began to fly us, until he stopped with a yelp. The wolf had bitten into his leg, and with a yank, Elias and I tumbled back to the ground.

Sprawled out in the grass, I groaned as I rolled over. Looking around, I saw that Elias was beginning to get up from where he fell a few yards ahead of me.

A growl sounded from behind me as I looked towards the source. My eyes widened to see the alarming sight of a large black wolf charging towards me. It's lips were pulled back in a snarl and it opened its jowls, preparing to attack.

Before I could scream, Elias thrust himself in front of me, putting himself between me and the wolf.

In a few strides the wolf was upon him, leaping towards Elias with its jowls open and snarling. Elias reached out, grabbing the wolf by the jaws and wrestling it to the ground. I could do nothing but watch as they attacked each other.

After a bit of a struggle, Elias had the wolf pinned to the ground, scratching and biting as it struggled to get free. Eventually, one of the wolf's large paws managed to reach Elias, and scratch him across his chest. Letting go of the wolf, Elias clutched the open wound, crying out in pain.

"Elias!" I yelled. Standing up, I rushed over to them only to be yanked backwards. I gasped in pain as cruel fingers wrapped around my hair, dragging me away from them.

Twisting and kicking, I was pulled across the grass to the wall beside the ripped open exit of the Observatory. Slamming me up against it, I closed my eyes in pain as thin fingers found their way to my neck. They tightened and I choked on my next breath.

Gasping for air, I opened my eyes to find the smiling figure of Dr. Grant looming above me, his cold fingers tightening their hold around my throat. His eyes gleamed with sinister success as he loomed over my struggling form. Grabbing a his arms, I dug my nails into his skin. With a growl, he loosened his grip enough for me to speak.

"Let me go!" I snarled, kicking at him fruitlessly.

"Not a chance, you're one troublesome intern I cannot wait to rid myself of," Dr. Grant said smugly.

In the background, I could hear Elias growl. Despite wresting with the wolf, his eyes were trained on us. With a deep breath, Elias grabbed the wolf and tossed the creature aside as if it weighed no more than those 500 pounds weights in the Training Room.

Elias's eyes burned with blue fire as he approached, directing the full extent of his rage at Dr. Grant and his hands that were currently around my neck.

However, the wolf recovered with unnatural speed and began charging once again.

"Elias watch out!" I rasped.

Elias turned right in time to see the wolf come up behind him. The wolf launched itself at Elias, who grabbed the creature by the neck to stave off its deadly bites. Despite the struggle, the wolf was able to pin Elias down, snarling and snapping at his throat.

Elias was barely keeping his attacks at bay. The wound was taking its toll on his body and exhaustion was beginning to take over. He was covered in a mix of sweat and blood and I wanted nothing more than to rush to him.

Rage boiled up inside me and I struggled harder. My nails began to draw blood until Dr. Grant groaned in pain, brutally slamming me up against the wall and dropping me to the floor.

Species Unknown [Book 1: Aves]Where stories live. Discover now