10 - Sister's Lament

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Sam hurtled towards the cave wall, tossed away by the Wendigo's effortless strength. He collided with the rock at speed, a horrific crack echoing through the cave as his skull shattered. He slumped to the ground, black blood pooling around his head. Petrified, you willed your limbs to move, to run to his side, but instead of adrenalin coursing through your veins you were filled with terror and you could only watch. The monster turned to you. You writhed in desperation, your heart drumming so aggressively in your ears you were deaf to Sam's last words as they slipped from his busted lips. You couldn't take your eyes off the Wendigo, bracing yourself for the same fate as Sam, but it stalked past you, oblivious to your existence. You watched as it made its way over to a fresh body discarded in a cavity in the wall. It fumbled around with the body, manipulating it somehow, though you couldn't see its actions in the depth of the darkneness, you could hear the crumble of bone and rip of skin. With its back to you, it hauled the body up and hung it on a metal ring imbeded in the rock ceiling. It stepped away, letting moon light fall on the disfigured face; a face impaled by a meat hook through his mouth to the base of his neck. Dean's face.

You tore up from your bed, gasping for air and shivering violently. Your clothes were dripping with sweat and a sharp headache shot through your brain like a bullet. Your breathing was hysterical, quick succession of each inhalation and exhalation as your body tried to restore its composure.
A hand fell on your shoulder, you snapped your head to see who it was. Dean hauled himself up from the pillow, rubbing his eyes with his other hand.
'Are you okay?' he asked in a guttural voice, his hand massaging the base of your neck to calm you.

His voice consoled you and awareness of your surroundings returned. You swallowed the dryness in your throat but struggled to put together words.
'Yeah sorry,' you croaked. You pushed your palms into your eyes, swirling colours and kaleidoscopic patterns danced across your eyelids as you struggled to accept that Dean was alive with you right now so you renounce your dream.

'Did you have a nightmare? You're soaked,' he sat up with you, mumbling tenderly into your ear. You looked over to him, his eyes were still shut as he grappled with staying awake.

'I'm fine. You can go back to sleep' you whispered back.

'Nah I'm wide awake,' his eyes shot open to make a point, 'we should get going anyway'.

'Sam's still asleep,' you peeked over to the other bed, where the younger Winchester was sprawled out, his limbs hanging off the sides of the mattress.

'No he's not,' Dean reached around and grabbed a pillow then lurched it forcefully at Sam's face. 'Are ya Sammy?!' he bellowed waking his brother up with a start, disoriented and looking around the room for an intruder. He grumbled when Dean told him it was time to head back to the bunker, but got up and made his way to the kitchen obediently, packing up his belongings strewn across every surface of the room. Dean gave you a final consolidating squeeze of your neck, then got up too. You got changed into your only spare clothes- jeans and your grey hoodie, then took the room keys and went to return them while the boys dumped your collective bags in the Impala. The reception was empty, which you expected at early dawn. You left the keys on the counter, exchanging them for a yesterdays newspaper that had been left there. Finally you joined Dean and Sam and the Impala left White Sulphur Springs in its rearview mirror. 

'You missing Cas yet Y/n?' Dean said, a topic of conversation you did not expect from him. You glanced to Sam to assess whether he heard his brother too, or if you had fantasized it, to see him just as perplexed as you. Dean must've inferred the surprise from the two of you and felt the need to explain himself. 'Yes I was being a bit of an asshole before, but I've changed'.

'In less than a day?' you questioned skeptically.

'Look I'm trying okay?' he huffed with insecurity, 'so can you tell me about your first date or whatever you talk to Sam about?'. You locked eyes with Sam who turned around to stare at you in disbelief, his eyes wide and a smile creeping across his face, until you both erupted with cackles. 'Ugh! Whatever!' Dean yelled defensively. Feeling a bit guilty you composed yourself and reached over to ruffle his hair as a gesture of good will. 

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