3 - I Know You

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A polite knock on your bedroom door woke you up.
'Morning princess,' Sam opened the door cautiously and peered in. You rolled over to face him, looked at him through squinted eyes of annoyance. 'Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you,' he said insincerely, taking a running start towards your bed, ready to jump and break your legs. You braced yourself for impact but he stopped moments before. He spun around so his back faced you and laid down across your legs, his own legs still planted on the ground as he was much longer than the width of your bed

You sat up to look down at him, yawning dramatically, 'I haven't slept like that for months'.

'Clearly,' Sam eyed your bed hair. 'When it got to 2pm we just thought you were sleeping in, but then a few hours later you still weren't up. We thought maybe you were dead'.

You let out a small chuckle. 'What time is it?' you asked, patting down your pockets to find your phone.

'Almost 6. Dean and I are getting dinner, what do you feel like having?' You thought about it for a few seconds. Your appetite was back in full force and you were starving. Whatever Cas did, it fixed you.

'Chinese?' you posited hopefully, 'I'll come with you so you don't mess up my order,' you rolled your eyes, wriggling your legs free from underneath him and playfully kicked him off your bed.

Sam jumped up and held his hand out to you. You took it warily. He grasped it firmly and yanked you out of bed with one quick forceful motion. You tumbled into him, and he held you at arms length as if seeing for you the first. 'Well look who's back to normal! Vegetable dumplings and sweet and spicy pork. Don't worry, I know you,' he placed his hand on top of your head. 'But first, you need to take a shower,' he ruffled your hair and then smelled his hand, pretending to gag. In return you delivered a swift jab to his rib, making him whince.

You huffed, but made your way obediently to the ensuite shower room.
You dumped your clothes into the laundry basket tucked away in the corner of the room and stepped under the hot stream of steamy water. It trickled over your bare skin, soothing your sore limbs. You continued to clean yourself, lathering yourself in delicous spelling bubbles. You hummed to yourself abscent-mindedly, unaware that Cas had walked into your bedroom as if it were his own.

He looked around awkwardly, hearing the soft tone of your voice coming from the other side of the door, which he noticed was slightly ajar, steam trickling out. He fumbled with the lapels of his trenchcoat, regretting his unsolicited intrusion. Should he quietly slip away or would that be creepy? Should he announce himself or would you tell him off for not knocking? Should he close the door for you to respect your privacy or would that in itself be an invasion of that privacy? He didn't hear you turn off the shower, but your wet footsteps drew his attention. You opened the door, your soaked hair wrapped up in a towel, another towel wrapped around your torso.

You really weren't surprised to see Castiel in your room, he'd intruded on you so many times you were used to it. He didn't understand boundaries, and the brothers didn't care about boundaries, though Sam was more considerate than Dean, so you didn't really expect much privacy.

'Oh hey Castiel,' you said nonchalantly, waking over to your dresser to retrieve a clean outfit. He was avoiding eyecontact with you, but when you called out his name, he lifted his head, his curious blue eyes tracing up your body to meet yours.

'I didn't mean to make this awkward,' his deep voice tainted with guilt, he stood up. You shrugged your shoulders, assured him he hadn't, and dipped back into the shower room to get changed.

'What's up?' you asked, dressed appropriately now, you locked your arms around his. You could feel his lean muscles tense under the fabrics, and you thought you had accidentally made him uncomfortable so you started to pull away, but he squeezed your arm to keep it in place. Elbows locked together, you walked out of your room and down the halls.

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