5 - On A Bender

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Your eyes flew open when you sensed a presence sitting on your bed. You relaxed when you saw that it was just Cas, clearly back from his grocery trip. He was staring off blankly, with no intention to wake you. You watched him for a few seconds, wondering what he was doing, but he sat almost completely still, and it was getting a bit weird, so you sat up.

'Castiel?' you asked, quite disorientated from your nap. He turned to you with a smile, but that didn't ease your confusion.

'Hello Y/n. How did you sleep?' he shifted his body to face you, bringing his knee up onto the bed.

'Fine Cas, thanks. How long have you been sitting there?' you looked at him through narrow eyes, eyebrows knitted in confusion.

'Here, I got you your hot waterbottle,' he completely ignored your question. He placed the warm fluffy pack onto your lap. You usually kept it in your drawer, had he gone through your stuff? 'And I bought you some gifts,' He picked up a pink gift bag off the floor proudly like a mom on Christmas, searching your face for a reaction. You squeezed your eyes trying make sense of this interaction, maybe you were still half asleep.

'Wow Cas I feel bad, I didn't get you anything,' your sarcastic voice still coarse with sleep, your eyes skeptic.

He cleared his throat and delved into the gift bag.
'I know humans like chocolate. I definitely did when I was human,' he placed a black rectangular box of Gourmet Assorted Chocolates on your nightstand. It looked fancy and expensive, complete with a silky ribbon tied around it and a small gift tag with your name etched in scratchy handwriting. Your head was straining to piece together what he was doing. He continued going through the bag, pulling out each item and adding it to the growing pile on your nightstand.

'Some painkillers for your...,' he motioned to your head.
'this stuffed creature,' a small teddy bear joined the nightstand, he gave it a light pat before continuing. You stared into its eyes with bewilderment, then turned back to Cas who seemed to be at the end of his list.

'I got you some tampons too. And pads. I didn't know which you prefer,' you almost choked on your own spit, at a loss for words. You weren't on your period, unless Cas knew something you didn't, but you were pretty sure. Your headache was throbbing now, the intimate moments you shared mere hours ago replaced by this incomprehensible encounter.

'Why Cas? Why?' you sighed through your teeth, exasperated. He cleared his throat.

'I read that this is what makes women happy on their... On your... You know,' he indicated towards your uterus. You groaned, your eyes rolling so far back into your skull you could see your neurons flaring.

'Why do you I think I'm on my "you know" Cas?' you asked in a strict tone through clenched jaws, curling your fingers into bunny ears to quote him.

'I thought that's why you couldn't go on the hunt, ' his eyes narrowed and his head titled to the side, 'but you were uncomfortable to tell Sam and Dean which is why I had to cover for you. Though you shouldn't be embarrassed, it's a perfectly natural -' he started elaborating but you held up your hand to silence him.

'Cas please I know how periods work but I'm not on mine,' you massaged the bridge of your nose and tried to clear your head. Awkwardness aside, it was quite a sweet gesture. Like something a boyfriend would do. No, stop. You had to get rid of these intrusive thoughts.

'So why did you not join them? Are you upset with them? I know from experience how infuriating they can be,' his question made you tense up.

'It's a long story Cas,' you laid back down in bed.

'I like listening to your stories,' he laid down next to you.

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