6 - A Moment Between Us

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The brothers stayed up with you and Cas for a while helping you finish off the booze and telling stories about Castiel that you listened intently to, though he himself seemed embarrassed to see you take such an interest. Sam made sandwiches for you and Dean to soak up the alcohol and forced you to drink plenty of water in an attempt to alleviate your impending hangovers. Cas had sobered up by this point, while you and Dean, arms around shoulders, hung onto each other for balance, swaying as you waited for Sam to assemble your snack. You inhaled the food appreciatively, satiating the hungriness in your stomach. You and Dean were a dreaded pair when you were both smashed. Yelling, singing, arguing then patching things up again, stumbling around and breaking things, annoying the hell out of the other two until even Castiel's saintly patience couldn't tolerate your rambunctiousness and you were sent off to bed.

You and Dean wobbled down the hall together, steadying yourselves on each other and the wall.

'Can I come to your room Y/n?' he asked with a sweetness to his voice, which you were instantly suspicious about.

'Why?' You leaned against your door blocking him from entry.

'I miss our little girl talks is all,' he pulled his widest puppy-dog eyes, prompting you to roll yours, but you opened the door anyway and welcomed him in. He stumbled in, surveying your room with half-lidded eyes, then noticed your luxury chocolates.

'Oooh yum,' he reached to pick them up but you slapped his hand away. He stuck out his bottom lip.

'I'm saving them for later,' you declared, tucking them away into your drawer to discourage him. He groaned and collapsed onto your bed. It cried out from under his weight, but he waved you over to join him. You laid down next to him, his sinewy arm stretched out under your head serving as your pillow. You could smell the sweat and beer off him.
'You stink' you stated crudely and he chuckled.

'Why didn't you come with us Y/n? Was it something I did? You seemed upset with me on that last hunt,' he whispered in a sober tone uncharacteristic of a drunkard like him. Honestly the heart to heart you had with Castiel was enough for the day, and you always got inexplicably irritated whenever the brothers interrogated you about your feelings. You were tired of them thinking of you as the fragile, sensitive one of the group who everyone walks on eggshells around.

'We're good Dean. I'm just... on my period' you lied. He clicked his tongue.

'Ah. Makes sense. Those periods huh, pesky things'. He was never good at girl talk but you appreciated how the boys never made you uncomfortable about those things, trying their best to compensate for the absence of another girl you could talk to.
His words were slurring and his eyes were shut, yet he still denied being tired and continued to converse with you until eventually he fell asleep.

You decided to slip away, leaving his bearish snores behind you, closing the door gently to not disturb him. You went to Dean's room a few doors down and collapsed onto his bed. His pillows smelled like his hair does after he takes a shower. You weren't drowsy enough to fall asleep yet, and Dean always kept his room weirdly cold so it would prove a struggle to sleep contently in here. You helped yourself to a sweater tucked away in his closet, then wrapped yourself in his duvet and turned on the TV. You flicked through his recorded shows, most of them were gorefests or morning cartoons, a peculiar juxtaposition that summarised his character well, but you didn't particularly feel like watching either. You indulged yourself in a brief snoop through this drawers and nightstand, noting the fact that he only had three pairs of boxers to be alarming, to say nothing of his collection of porn magazines. You spent a while in his room, reading the sci-fi novel you found under his pillow next to a pistol and browsing through news headlines on your phone until you got bored. You were gradually sobering up but you weren't up for driving, so you decided to go on a walk to hopefully tire yourself out.

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