2 - Are You Okay?

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The brothers suggested spending the night at the cabin, but you insisted you were fine to drive, and took the first shift behind the wheel. Dean, passed out in the backseat, snored loudly. Sam kept you company, conversing with you about anything and everything, occasionally attempting to steer the conversation to therapy mode, but you expertly diverted it back to trivial talking points. Eventually, he too fell asleep, and you were left with only the sound of their heavy breaths.

The sun rose silently, its warm beams breathing life into the landscape rolling past, igniting a choir of birdsong carried on the wind. Sam began to stir, groaning as he unfolded himself from his awkward sleeping position, stretching his neck and frozen joints with obnoxious crackles.

'Where's the next gas station,' he asked through a yawn.

'A few miles ahead,' you replied, not taking your eyes off the road.

'I'll go buy us breakfast and drive us the rest of the way, okay?' He ruffled your hair, and you nodded in agreement. Your eyes were sore and sleep deprived, eventhough your cognition was wide awake, despite not having slept more than a few hours over the last week.

As you pulled up next to one of the gas pumps, Dean began to wake, groaning in pain.
'Morning sunshine,' you said, turning off the engine. Sam made his way to the Gas'n'Sip sluggishly, while you filled up the Impala with gas.

Dean pulled himself up gingerly, widening his eyes and blinking repeatedly to evict the sleep.
'How far are we?' he asked you.

'From the bunker? Like 4 hours I guess,' you dipped back into car, sitting behind the wheel.

'I can take over if you want,' he asked, groaning as he reached over to ruffle your hair. What was it with these boys and messing up your hair?

'And get us into a car crash? No thanks,' you joked, 'Sam already offered anyway'.

Dean pulled himself out of the back door, wobbling slightly until his legs woke up and walked around to the passenger seat. 'Alright get in the back, it's your turn to sleep,' he commanded. The sound of tapping on glass drew your attention towards the window of the convenience store, where Sammy stood waving a packet of jerky in one hand and cheese puffs in the other. 'Which one?' he mouthed, to which Dean yelled back, 'both!'

You crawled into the back of the car over the front seats. 'Atta girl,' Dean slapped your ass lightly as you lifted your leg over.
'Ew,' you responed, smacking the back of his head not so lightly, which he chuckled at.

Sam ducked into the driver's seat, looked at you in the backseat and handed you a baggie of sour gummies, giving you a nod like there was some kind of mutual understanding between the two of you, which on your end there was not.
'Um... Thanks?,' you accepted them with confusion, glancing to Dean for answers.

'I thought you liked candy. And those are sugar-free -for your health cleanse,' he stated matter-of-factly. You thought it was so cute how considerate he was being to you, acknowledging your health cleanse, a lie though it may have been, but the fact that he hadn't forgotten was a testament to his caring personality.
'And I also got you some....' he fished into the Gas'n'Sip bag he brought back, pulled out another baggie which he read aloud 'assorted nut mix -perfect for camping, trail mix, or roadtrips,' he tossed it to you, and reached back into the bag, 'a turkey sandwhich mayo-free of course and some water to... wash it down with,' he tossed both back to you, raising his eyebrows suggestively at the last few words. Dean shot you a confused look. He probably thought you secretly had dentures and struggled with chewing or something, not that Sammy was trying to sedate you with sleeping pills since you hadn't slept for almost 48 hours, but he didn't inquire. Instead he turned his attention back to Sam, wiggled his eyebrows and gave him a cheeky smile. Sam in return passed him his promised snacks.

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