Does this mean I have a crush on Everly? Maybe I do, she is smart, funny...Oh gosh, I do! What is wrong with me? She has a boyfriend obviously because she was making out with Jim in front of the suit store that I was in. 

What was I thinking? I was going to write a letter to her that is expressing my undefined crush on her. No, I am not going to do that. I was, but now I'm not. 

After I was done negotiating on what I should do I decided to just stay friends with her and be happy for her that someone really likes her. 

I take a shower, eat dinner then I go to bed. 

. . . . . . . 

The next day I wake up to ding from my phone, it was by an unknown number. 

hey its me Shelby Carson Bradley gave me your number btw is this trapis?

What the hell. Why does she want to talk to me, and she spelled my name wrong, how can you get Travis to Trapis?  I almost don't respond, but then I remember that she is my date to prom. I roll my eyes as I am typing back to her.

hey yeah, this is him, oh but my name isn't Trapis is's Travis. 

haha lol lmao! sorry autocorrect LAMO im so quirky

Jesus, kill me now! Who would actually admit that they are quirky? Uh, no one. So I just said: lol. 

I am so excited to see you tonight for prom! make sure to get me a corsage that matches my dress and your bow tie. k babe

Babe? We're not even dating. I just say 

ok ttyl xoxoxoxoxooooo ;)  

I want to die, this is too much for me. I say:

Later that evening I went with my mom to buy the corsage because she was so specific about what Shelby wanted me to give her. While I was driving us back home my mom was so excited that I asked someone to go to prom with me.

My mom said, "Oh, Travis! You are going to look so handsome tonight! I am glad that you decided to go and ask someone to go to prom with you. What's the girl's name again?"

I didn't respond, I just kept thinking about Everly. 

My mom tapped me on the shoulder. "Tarvis?" 

"Oh, um yeah, her name. It's um, Shelby, Shelby Carson." I said awkwardly. 

I could tell that my mom looked confused. "Are you-" 

"Yeah, I'm fine. So what were you saying?" I asked like I was paying attention to her speak, but I wasn't. 

It was almost time to go, so I quickly combed my hair and I brushed my teeth for the fourth time today I put on my black vans as I picked up the corsage and made my way down the stairs. 

My mom had her camera out to take a photo of me, for some odd reason. "Travis stands there, I want to take a photo of you." 

"Aw, mom I gotta go-" 

"Travis say cheese!" my dad said. 

I stood there in front of the staircase with my hands in my pockets with a smile on my face. After my mom took more than ten photos of me I left and drove to Shelby's house. As I drove past Everly's house I saw Jim and Everly taking a cute couple photos in front of their front door both of them looking happy as can be. 

When I first knocked on Shelby's door to her house her father answered the door. Great. The man looked at me up and down, I could tell that he was judging me just by my appearance. 

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