This will be fun

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March 13th, 2021 Age: 17

"Travis, wake up, it's six-thirty." someone said as they were shaking my shoulders. 

I opened one of my eyes to see that it is my mom, of course. I turn over and grunt. "Five more minutes, mom." 

"No, you have to be at the athletes club in less than ten minutes." Mom said.

Quickly I got up out of bed and started to get dressed, while mom left my room. I get my car keys, I slip on my white slip-on Vans, and I run down the stairs. 

Dad says hi to me while he is on his computer, while I get a red apple and make my way to my car.

When I get to school and come into the mathletes club I am late, I mean when am I not late?

Then all the nerdy kids look at me. Everyone just stares at me not saying anything as I just decide to stop standing next to the door and take a seat, which I took in the back of the room. 

The math teacher is in charge of the mathletes team, it's Mr. Hardly. Mr. Hardly and I don't necessarily get along, for example, I failed his math test many times but somehow I'm here on the mathletes team and I am terrible at math. 

"Hello everyone, and welcome to the mathletes team, I am Mr. Hardly so let's just start off with some common math." Mr. Hardly said as he was writing on the board and everything that he was writing made no sense to me. 

This will be fun. 

It has been a week. 

When I get home I go to my room and I watch movies on Netflix. 

Then that's when I get nonfiction from my computer. I look to see what it is and it is an email. 

I click on the email to see that Mr. Wall emailed me. 


I open it and start to read it. It says: 

Hello Mr. Allen, I have asked each and every one of your teachers including the mathletes teams teacher, the drama teacher, and the person that runs the book club. 

1: You are showing up to all of the mathlete meetings but none of the competitions. 

2: You have been coming to all of the rehearsals, but you haven't memorized any of your lines for the upcoming play meanwhile you and Everly Parker have the most amount of lines than any of the other kids that are in the play as well.

3: You haven't been showing up to the book club meetings. Are you even reading the book that they will be discussing?

Email me back Travis, this is your second strike. I suggest you get a tutor. 

-Sincerely Mr. Wall

I sigh.  

I guess I need a tutor, but who? 

Who is smart that goes to my school? 

Well, you have Molly, nope I rather die than have her as my tutor. 

Kellen Mathews is pretty smart, but he's an asshole. 

And then it donned on me. I know exactly who to ask. 

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