Sitting in the field

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March 19th, 2021, Age: 17

Every day I would do math, read one of my books that I had to read for my book club and I would practice my lines all the time.   

After school, I decided to take a run around the neighborhood.

I put on my sweatpants with a blue t-shirt with my AirPods in my ears as I left my home and listened to some loud rock music. 

As I was running I went to my usual spot I go which is across a field were a small old home that no one goes by except me, but when I got there a few feet away from me is a girl sitting down in the long green grass that goes up to your hips. 

I stood still and I stared at the girl that is sitting in the field. Then I realized it is Everly. 

Everly's eyes are closed, as she is breathing deeply in and out. 

I take my AirPods out of my ear and put them away. I walk over to her, but I still stand a distance from her. 

"Everly, it's me, Travis," I said. 

Everly opened her eyes, "What are you doing here?" 

I walk over and I sit down a few feet away from her. "I should be asking you the same thing, I go here to run." 

She was wearing a pink dress, with black hightop converse. Her hair really wavy and her blue eyes sparkling in the sun. "I go here to just think..." 

"About what?" I asked. 

"Life. To calm down. To think about how fucked up this world is." she said. 

I looked down to see a small brown book beside her. "What do you like to write about?" 

She smiled, "Life. Love. Gratitude. Happiness. Self-love." 

"So, you write poems?" I asked her. 

"Yep, it calms me down. When I write I don't he-" she trailed off. 

I smiled. "Can you read me one of your favorite poems or quote that you have ever written or heard?"

Everly picked up her small brown book and she flipped through the pages then she stopped at one as she guided her finger across the paper and said, "I like this quote, It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves, by William Shakespeare." 

I was lost. "What does it mean?" 

"It means that sometimes people have to take steps they think they cannot. It does not mean to present fate and human efforts as opposite to each other. It simply urges that someone should act when it is time to act. If a person gets a chance to change his or her circumstances, they should go for it. The phrase links the concept of human dignity with efforts a person makes, and not the status they enjoy." she said. 

Gosh, she is so smart. 

Everly looks towards that old home. "In that old home right there, I want to fix it up someday and live in it. It would be a place to go if my family is bordering me or something." 

"Yeah, that would be cool," why did I say that? 

Suddenly Everly stood up. "I gotta go...Home." 

I stood up with her. "Want me to-" 

"NO! No, I-um bye," she said as she left. 

I stood there frozen. What just happened? 

I run back home, while I was still thinking about how weird Everly was acting when she out of the blue stood up and didn't want me to walk her home. 

When I got home I hopped into the shower just thinking about how weird she was acting as the hot water was running down my face. 

I got out of the shower and got dressed. Right, when I got dressed I opened my curtains hoping to see Everly painting or something, but instead I saw nothing. All I could see was her butterfly curtains blocking her window. 

I went over to the Parker's home and I knocked on their door. Mrs. Parker answered, I smiled at her. "Hi, Mrs. Parker, is Everly home?" 

Mrs. Parker smiled. "She is, but she's not feeling so well right now and she needs some rest." 

I nodded my head. "Okay, of course, tell her I came." 

"I will," she said as she closed the door. 

When I went back to my room I got a notification. 

Val texted me she said: I'm having a party tonight at the beach that we always go 2, get ur ass over here it starts at 10

I texted back: I'll be there

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