Chapter 29 | The New Routine

Start from the beginning

Every other day we've been training together, keeping each other on our toes. Catra's been getting better with her magic too. Even though she's still not great with water, she's really taken to using the Electrokinesis, as Entrapta called it. Scorpia's power. She's also been using her energy weapons to spar with, and she's practically doing it without thinking now.

One time, she went a bit too far while training, using too much magic at once. That put her in bed for a day, so I've been watching her closely ever since. She seemed really cuddly immediately after, but grew impatient and difficult later on, before apologising and making up again.

If this month has proven anything, it's that we can work. She really does want to be with me, she's told me as much enough times. The word "forever" keeps coming up. I'm convinced she's dropping hints. I know that she knows what marriage is, but I may need her to wait a bit longer. I have to come up with the best place to propose, and I won't be doing it while we're going on patrols every day.

Catra has also been napping on me a lot, especially after sparring. Sometimes I lose feeling in my legs and Bow and Glimmer have to come and help me up from under her. I just don't want to move her or wake her up. I live to hear her purr, it's intoxicating, and she knows it. She's steadily figuring out what I like, and often uses it to her advantage. Sometimes, during meetings, she-

On second thought, I'll keep that between us for now.

I'm going to go cuddle her now, maybe I can get her to purr.

Wish me luck, Book.


I put the book down, stretching my arms, and steadily got up from the bed. Stepping over a lounging Melog, I walked over to Catra, wrapping my arms around her shoulders from behind and burying my face in her neck, taking in her warmth.

'Hey, Adora.' She smiled at my reflection in the mirror, running a hand along my arm.

'Hey, Catra. Seeing if your hair has grown?' I asked, knowing the answer. Her hair had definitely grown back some over the last two months, but it was really starting to be noticeable now as it began filling out. Catra was eager for it to grow more so that it would cover her neck and the scar that was still there from the Horde chip. She hadn't said it out loud, but I knew she hated that scar and wanted to hide it as soon as possible.

'Yeah. The longer it grows the less it... the more it feels like me, you know? I wish it grew faster... I think I also want to try doing something else with it...'

'Hmmm...' I thought for a second, running my hands through her hair and managing to coax out a purr. Success. 'Maybe we should ask someone what you could do with it when it grows out more... I think Netossa does her and Spinerella's hair.'

Catra laughed, 'I don't want anything that fancy. I just... I want to...' she let out a sigh, 'I don't know what I want.'

I trailed a hand down the back of her head, reaching her neck and gently stroking my thumb over the scar there. She tensed up. 'I do,' I whispered.

She spun around on the stool, wrapping her arms around my waist before burying her face in my stomach. 'Adora...'

'Yes?' I asked, beginning to scritch behind her ears.

'Where do you...mmm.' Her voice trailed off as she started purring deeply, moving her head in time with my fingers. Her tail flicked around behind her happily.

I stopped moving my hands and smiled down at her, 'where do I what?'

Catra looked up at me, her eyes wanting for more. 'No, don't...' she began, before looking down again, 'don't stop...'

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