To save you (meliodas x Estrossa)

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Meliodas's POV
I was laying in bed drifting off to sleep. But when I woke up I wasn't at the boar hat. I was at my home land. In my old room. Naked. Next to at naked Estarossa. What the actual fuck. He had one of his arms around my waist and the other on one of my feminine pecks. I was blushing like crazy I mean not only is my brother seeing me naked but he was also groping me. When I realized what was going on an that I couldn't get away like any other sane person I Screamed. Which wasn't the best idea because obviously I Woke him up.

"I see your awake"

"What's happening why are we naked. Why am I here. Why do you have your hands on me. An why does my butt Hurt" I was blushing even more now that he was groping my pecks. An he just laughed an gave my chest a tight squeeze. I moaned really loud he knows how sensitive my body is.

"Because" seriously I'm not 4 I'm not gonna take because for a answer.

"Because what!!!" I was irritated an his behavior was not helping

"Because your safer here with me than I the human realm with those monsters you call friends" he was still groping me I tried really hard not to moan but I couldn't help it


"How adorable mely is still a sensitive little boy"

"I'm no-t li- little"

"Yes you are Mel" my eyes started to tear up form how embarrassed I was. I blushed an looked away form him

"Awww don't be like that let me see that beautiful smile of yours" his voice was cocky he knew I wasn't going to cooperate so why try? Then he slapped my ass.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" I screamed at him

"You weren't paying attention to me so I had to take it" I slapped him across the face an jumped out of bed it hurt a lot but I didn't care I just wanted to get away form him.

"YOUR THE CRAZY MAN YOU KNOW THAT YOUR INSANE. LEAVE. ME. ALONE." I was blushing a lot why can't he just understand that this was making me uncomfortable

"You also have a nice ass"

"Wha-" after that the room went dark

Estarossa's POV
I knocked him unconscious if I didn't he might have left me. I can't have him in any more danger he's been through enough. But if I'm not around how can I protect him so I can't let him leave. I pick him up an gently place him on the bed I wasn't able to control my lust last night so I have to put clothes on him if not I might hurt him again. I grab a pair of pants an a tight shirt. I dressed him an boy did he look hot. I lay down next to him and start groping his man boobs. They were so squishy yet firm just like a woman's breasts. After a few hours Mel started to show signs of waking up. I firmly rap my arms around him is he can't get away this time.

"Estarossa please let me go" I heard a soft and tired voice he was awake.

"No your gonna try to get away from me again"I hugged him tighter but I made sure that he could breath

"Just go back to sleep your exhausted" he nodded an almost instantly fell asleep on my chest. I got up and got dressed. I walked out of his room making sure he couldn't escape. The king of Camelot has requested to speak with us.

"What a pain in the ass"

I arrive in the meeting room an see the king of Camelot an on top of that the seven deadly sins. Wonderful just wonderful. Why bid father make ME do this why not zeldris better yet why can't he do it.

"Hello Prince Estarossa we are happy that you could speak with us this fine morning" the king of Camelot said I think his name was Arthur of I remember correctly.

"I'm not one for dillydallying so let's get down to the point why have you requested to have a audience with me?" It was obvious I didn't want to be there an they could tell

"We have a problem that we need the help of the demon clan to fix" really was that why they called this meeting at 8 o'clock in the morning I'm not supposed to be up for a another 12 hours guess they don't know demons are Nocturnal creatures. This is why I hate the other 4 race they are so inconsiderate.

"Oh an what would that problem be"

"Our captain has gone missing without a trace" I had to stop myself from laughing my ass off  if only they knew.

"I thought the deal with our nations was that we will not attack since you have Meliodas but if he were to be captured or left we would be free to destroy your kingdom along with your races." I glared at them

"We know but please help us or at less give us time to find him" wow so there pleading now just how pathetic are the other races

"Fine you have 4 months to find my brother but don't think if you do find him that you'll get to keep him"

"Why not" the Ginger haired king said with a desperate sounding voice

"So you really think that I will trust you to protect my brother when you already failed once. Oh but if you fail to find him every human, giant, fairy, and goddess will be decimated" they looked terrified as they should. Everything was silent till the king of Camelot spoke.

"Thank you for your time we will be taking our leave now. I promise you that we will find your brother" he and the other stood up an walked out of the room but before they left I said

"You better find my brother... or you'll be sorry" the look on their faces was priceless. I walked back to Meliodas and he was sitting on the bed Wide-awake.

"where we're you Esty" he looked so upset poor thing I must have scared him by leaving without saying anything. I walked over to the bed an hugged him an kissed his forehead.

"I was in a meeting I'm sorry for scaring you" He lad his head on my chest

"It ok but can I ask you a question?"

"Of course what is it?"

"Why did you bring me here?"

"To save you"

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