Zeldris x Arther

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Zeldris's POV
I've always hated that Arthur guy he may look nice but he's more perverted than Meliodas and that's saying something. I know that the demons and Camelot have a alliance but that doesn't mean that a arranged marriage is needed. I don't want to marry him. I don't want to get touched all the time. I don't want to get impregnated
( yes zeldris can get pregnant... deal with it)

"How's my future husband" Arthur said as he he hugged me and casually groping my hips.

"Why do you want to know?" I say as rudely as possible

"Oh come on zeldy-"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!!!" I don't need another reminder of my dead brother. I already miss Mel way to much.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry" he says and wipes my tears. He led me to our room. He tried to Comfort me but it was in vain. Even so he keep cuddling me just like him. Then he kissed my forehead just like Mel Mel used to do when I was upset. For the first time ever I felt... safe with someone other than Mel. I stopped crying, smiled, cuddled into his chest.

"I love you zeldris"

"I'm fond of you too I guess"

"Get some sleep it's our big day tomorrow I don't want you to be sleepy as the wedding"

"Fine you better go to sleep to then"

"I'm a king don't tell me what to do." He said jokingly

"Ya and I'm the one that brought your entire kingdom to it's knees in a mater of minutes."

"touché now go to sleep" I kissed Kim and said

"Yes your majesty~"

(Next day)

Arthur's POV
I got up and got dressed for our big day. I look over at my sleeping bride I kiss his forehead and attend to the last little details of the wedding before I knew it I was starting at the arch just waiting for him to arrive. He walks down the aisle in a Beautiful dress with his dad at his side. The dress was beautiful but he was more so. Everything went smoothly we said our Vous, we kissed, ate, and did everything that you do at a wedding. Me and zeldris were walking up to our room.

(And ending it here 1 because I don't feel like writing smut right now, 2 it's late when I'm writing this and I need sleep to not be a asshole  though it's morning when I'm publishing this because the WiFi is to weak at night, and 3 I'm the Arthur I do what I want 😎)

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