Quicksand (Meliodas x DK)

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(Meliodas is a only child in this Don't hate me for doing this this, pic above is what Meliodas's is wearing. also thank you to
Angry_Blonde_Midget , Dramaticalsghostgirl ,
Lassie1301 , and
IOnlyWantToRead1 For voting for this an the other one will be out soon. Ps:DK means demon king oh he also looks like the Final form of DK zeldris)

I was walking in the forest. Ever since my son left 3,100 years ago I haven't been myself. I know I'm not the best father but I love my son... more than a father should. It's not my fault Meliodas is a exact copy of his mother how died right after his berth. I was never interested in dating I didn't want to replace her. I got lost in my mind when I hear a weak moan of pain... yes I can tell the difference... don't ask how. I continue hearing it over an over again. I don't know what possessed me to do it but I started walking to the sound and I see MY SON!!!!!????? I run to him and see he was almost solder deep in quicksand the only thing stoping him from sinking was a study log that he had his arms around holding on for dear life. I poll him out by putting my hands in his arm pits and lifting him out he was unconscious no doubt about it.

"Poor thing" I think he heard me because he made a scared face. I've really ruined my sons life. Meliodas when he's scared or upset gets violent really violent. I knew the second he woke up he would hurt himself or someone else. I quickly teleported back to the demon world castle an walked to his room there were a few servants that stared at him but I glared at them and they backed off Real quick. I opened the door to his room an set him on the bed. I absolutely hate doing this but I had to I made a Magic draining chain out of my darkness, I attached it to his left leg then attached the other end the it to the bed so he couldn't just simply walk away. I grab a few warm blankets an place them on top of him. I pulled up a chair to the bed a sat down so Meliodas wasn't alone when he woke up... and maybe I wanted to watch him sleep like I said I see my fallen wife in him. He seemed very comfortable and well... adorable. I reach out a pet his soft blonde locks. Just like his mother. I could feel my demon tattoo fading from my head as my emerald green eyes we're revealed. Meliodas's face scrunched up an his eyes slowly started to open. It reminds me of the first time he opened his eyes it was so adorable, so innocent.

"F-father" his cheeks went red when he fell my hand in his hair. Even so I kept petting him.

"Yes son?" I answer to him

"where am I?" I chuckle as the question

"Your home"

"I'm not in Leone"

"Because that human infested place isn't your home your home is here with me an your rase"
I saw a clear liquid start pouring from his eyes

"Really I-I thought th-at aft-er I le-ft you y-you would-n't th-ink of me a-as you-r son a-any more-" he was crying even more now the poor thing.

"Meliodas I want you to promise me that you will never ever think that I don't love you because I do and will always think of you as my son" he hugged me tightly as if he was afraid to let go. He was still crying as I rubbed his back to calm him down.

"I promise and I will always love you to dad an I promise I will never leave my home again"

"thats my son now get some rest you must be Exhausted" he cuddles into my shoulder just like his mom used to do. I kissed his forehead and held him tight.

I. Will. Not. Let. My. Son. Go. Again.

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