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Got another chapter for you guys 😏 Hope you all like it.

[Destined - 10]


"I-I need to show you something..." he answered, stepping back. He pulled the shirt up and over his head, tossing it to the side. Theo's eyes zeroed in on the pale, but very toned chest. That wasn't what caught his attention, however. Instead, he bit his lip as he stared at the different scars decorating his body. They didn't appear like normal scars. They looked painful.

The word "faggot" lined across his stomach in capital, handwritten letters. Theo's jaw ticked as he stood in front of his mate, his heart clenching.

"What the fuck?" he growled out with so much fury. "Who did this to you? And why? When I get my hands on them, I'll murder them!"

"I-It happened when I was fourteen, before I moved here," Kian whispered, eyes becoming glossy as distant memories resurfaced.

"You said the pack members there weren't nice. Is this what you meant? Those motherfuckers bullied you, didn't they?" Kian nodded his head, closing his eyes.

"I was different and...confused. I didn't know what I was or what was wrong with me, but they treated me like I didn't belong. I made one comment about one of my classmates being kinda cute, and the people who I thought were my friends took advantage of that," Kian said. "It started out they just teased me about it. But then they became more aggressive, called me offensive names, and pushed me around. It got to the point where I was afraid to even leave my house. They would grab me and beat me up. My so-called friends threatened that if I told anyone, the beatings would only worsen. I was too scared to disobey their orders."

Kian moved to his bed and sat down. Theo remained standing and watched as Kian rubbed his eye.

"I would steal my mom's makeup to hide the bruises, especially when I had black eyes. No one took the time to notice my situation. Not even my own parents noticed the change in my behavior.

"One day, I was out getting some ice cream to surprise my mom for her birthday. As I walked home, they ambushed me and dragged me down an empty alleyway. One of them had a silver-infused blade and wrote this word on my stomach along with a bunch of other marks. By the time they finished, I could hardly move or even breath. They left me there to die."

"People walked by, you know," Kian growled, fists clenching and tears brimming his eyes. "They watched those little fucks beat the living shit out of me. And they did not do a single damn thing about it.

"It wasn't until an elderly lady walked by and spotted my body when someone actually reacted. She called the cops immediately, who informed my parents of what happened. They pressed charges on those kids who treated me like dirt. Then we moved here. Everything went downhill from there. Even though no one knew who I was or why I moved, I acted like nothing happened. I drowned myself in alcohol and weed and fucked anything with a pussy. I didn't know if I was actually gay when I was fourteen, because it was one, measly, gay comment, but I wanted to prove to everyone I was straight. That I wasn't a cocksucker."

Theo slowly sat down, absorbing everything his mate told him. He held the guy's hand and gently squeezed it.

"I found it easier to ignore my past. I hid my body under my shirts and only had sex in the dark so no eyes could see it. My cousins found out about it because of my mom's big mouth, but I didn't really care at that point. I was just tired. Tired of everything."

Kian leaned back on the bed, his head resting on the pillow. Theo shoved his backpack off so he could join the other. They stared up at the ceiling, holding hands as Kian continued speaking.

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