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[Destined - 9]


Kian's relatives as well as Theo were invited to stay at their house for a couple of days. They had two spare bedrooms, one for his aunt and uncle, and one for his cousins. Of course, Nancy suggested Kian to share his room with the Beta. He knew what she tried to do, so did Amelia and Jamie, while the rest of the adults remained clueless.

"Kian, can you help Theo with his luggage," Nancy questioned, motioning towards the backpack in Theo's grasp, who didn't appear to need any assistance.

"Alright," Kian sighed, not even bothering to argue. He stepped over towards the Beta and snatched his bag from his shoulder. Then he trudged up the stairs, Theo following closely behind, and they entered Kian's cluttered, very typical, male bedroom.

Kian placed the bag on his bed while the other glanced around the room, chuckling when he spotted the posters of skimpily-clad women decorating the walls. He had his fair share in his bedroom as well. Although, as of lately, he barely noticed them.

"I can roll out a sleeping bag or something later," Kian said as he motioned towards the small space on the floor out in front of him. "The bathroom is right across the hall, just in case you need it."

Theo slowly nodded his head. He stayed motionless by the door, not really knowing what to do.

"I'm going to head to that after party now," he said, picking up his leather jacket off of the dresser. "Would you like to come with me?"

"Only if you want me to," he said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't want to impose on you and your friends..."

Kian's lips formed a small smile as he slipped on his jacket, trying to ignore the eyes staring intensely at him. Then he grabbed a spare helmet from his closet and tossed it at the other male, who caught it effortlessly. Theo's eyes widened at the object in his hand, and he took that as a 'yes' to his question and followed Kian out of the room.

When they went into the garage, Theo gawked at the vehicle in front of him. "This is yours?" he asked, eyebrows raised. "Impressive."

Kian smirked, feeling a sense of pride. "Have you ridden on one before?" he questioned.

"A few times."

Kian opened the garage door and mounted his bike, slipping the helmet over his head. Then he turned and held his hand out to help Theo up, who straddled the seat behind him. The loud engine roared to life as he started the motorcycle up and pulled out of the garage.

Kian bit his lip as he felt Theo's arms around his waist in a tight hold. It was weird to have someone riding with him, because he never allowed anyone to touch the bike. It was his most prized possession after all. But the idea of having his mate on it with him, wearing one of his helmets and holding his waist, made the front of his pants feel tighter than normal.

By the time they reached the house, the party was already in full swing. Kian kicked the kickstand down and dismounted the motorbike, Theo copying him. They both took off their helmets and sat them on the seat.

"I have a couple locks here so no one can steal them," Kian said as he attached them to the bike. "Everyone will be too drunk to notice them anyways."

Kian and Theo walked down the sidewalk up until they reached the door. Instead of ringing the doorbell, Kian twisted the doorknob and pushed it open. They were greeted with the stench of cheap alcohol, weed, and sweat.

"Welcome to your typical high school party," Kian muttered unenthusiastically.

"I haven't been to one of these in a few years," Theo chuckled, looking around at the sweaty bodies everywhere. Not one of them caught his eyes, well except one person. The boy standing in front of him.

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