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[Destined - 7]


The sound of the phone ringing startled Kian out of his daydreaming. He swiped the answer button and held the device up to his ear. "Hello?" he responded.

"Oh hey sweetie," his mom spoke up from the other end of the line. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you..."

"No, it's fine," he said, sitting up in his bed. "Why'd you call?"

"Well, I talked with my sister about your behavior, and she said that you've been doing really well, especially in school. Your father and I think it's time for you to come back home, because it's obvious you've matured over the past few weeks."

Kian's end stayed quiet for a moment, trying to comprehend what she just told him. He could go back home, but did he actually want to? He found his mate after all, but he still didn't know if he wanted to accept the mate bond, despite the events that occured over the past few weeks.

"I just got settled in over here. What's the point of going back over there when the school year is almost over?"

"Wouldn't you want to graduate with your friends?" his mom asked.


To be honest, he did not really miss his "friends", except for maybe a couple of them. But he never really made any friends here either.

Maybe he should talk to Theo first before making a decision.

"Can I call you later, mom?" Kian asked. She started to answer, but he hung up before she could say anything.

The teen slipped on a tank top over his naked torso and grabbed a pair of slides one of his cousins gave him shortly after arriving.

He exited his room and knocked on Jamie's door before poking his head in. "Hey, mind if I borrow your car?" he asked.

She turned in her desk chair and furrowed her eyebrows. "Have somewhere you need to be?"

Kian nodded his head, looking down at the floor when he felt his skin heat up. "I need to talk to Theo."

A small smirk formed on Jamie's face as she picked up her keys and tossed them at him. "Have fun and use a condom."

Kian almost dropped the lanyard when he heard her comment. "Shut the fuck up," he shot back through gritted teeth, earning himself a loud laugh from her.


Nervousness took control of Kian's body as he put the car in park on the side of the curb in front of his mate's house. He stared at the intimidating building in front of him, memories of the last time he was there flooded his mind, only making him more anxious.

He unbuckled his seat belt and begrudgingly climbed out of the car. He slowly walked up the path to the front door, gulping as he clenched his fingers. Taking a deep breath, he raised his hand and knocked on the door. A few moments later, he heard footsteps reach the door before it swung open.

Kian's eyes widened when he saw Theo standing in front of him with lipstick stains all over his face and neck. His hair was all tousled over his head, and the t-shirt covering his body was wrinkled. His eyes widened in shock when he saw who was at the door.

A young woman stood behind him, wrapped in a sheet. She stared back at Kian with her round hazel eyes, her wild curls framing her high cheekbones. The lipstick on her full lips seemed to have smeared onto her cheek.

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