
665 41 12

Song: Airplanes by B.o.B

[Destined - 8]


Kian stared out the window of the plane, watching the palm trees grow smaller the higher up the plane ascended, leaving not only the nice weather and beautiful beaches, but also a piece of him.

The person sitting next to him, a young woman in her early 20s, kept sneaking glances at him from her isle seat. She even went as far as giggling to get his attention. However, Kian ignored her completely. Instead, he stuck earbuds in his ears and selected a song from his playlist, turning the volume up as much as his ears would allow him. He leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, listening to the sound of the vocals as well as the rhythm of the instruments.

The plane ride only took a couple hours. When the pilot spoke over the intercom, Kian lifted up his window covering and stared out at the growing buildings of his pack's city, a completely different scenery.

Once the plane landed, he gathered his things with a sigh and exited the plane with the rest of the passengers. At baggage claim he found his suitcase almost immediately and went to go wait outside for his parents' car.

When their vehicle pulled up by the curb, Kian opened the back door and shoved his luggage inside before sliding into a seat. His mom turned in her seat and smiled at him.

"Hi honey!" she beamed. "We missed you so much! How was the trip?"

His dad grinned as well before shifting the gear in drive. Nancy continued pestering Kian about his time in the southeastern pack. Instead of answering, he leaned his head against the window and stared at the buildings and cars passing by, completely blocking their voices out.

Once she realized her son wouldn't answer, Kian's mother sighed and faced forward.

Home didn't feel like home anymore. It was almost foreign to him. It didn't seem as cozy or welcoming as his cousins' house, more like a prison. A place full of awful memories haunting him.

Kian stared up at his ceiling, shifting on the small, rock-hard bed that didn't provide any comfort. The room felt cluttered and small in comparison to the guest room he stayed in. Temptation took over his body as he felt his hand inching towards the drawer of his nightstand where he kept a pack of cigarettes. But then he curled his fingers into a fist instead and brought it back to his side, resisting the sudden urge.

He made it this far without smoking. His inner conscience convinced him to resist.

He had to go back to school, but he wasn't mentally prepared to face reality again. It felt so long since he last attended, but he knew he was caught up, maybe even ahead, because all he did to pass time in Florida was work on his schoolwork and daydream about a certain brown-eyed Beta.

He glanced over at his alarm clock. 4:15 am. He had to get up in a couple hours for school. With a sigh, knowing he wasn't going to get any sleep, Kian slid out from under his blankets and decided to go for a morning run instead.

While the sunrise was nice, it wasn't nearly as beautiful as the coast. As he ran, he thought about the recent events for probably the millionth time. Everyone was right about his attitude. He would have never been caught up on schoolwork, nor would he have stressed so much. Usually he was the nonchalant, carefree guy. Now he was worried and frustrated and wasn't drowning his issues in liquor. Instead, he ran on the sidewalk in his giant wolf form, passing by the small houses in the neighborhood.

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