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"Ugh!" I groaned, kicking my beanbag chair across my room.

I am pissed. No, beyond pissed. That bitch had the nerve to call me a nerd? I'll show her that I'm not even close to a nerd! I sighed and took a quick shower and got ready for bed. Tomorrow is the day...

I woke up in a great mood. I dressed in a red flannel shirt and black jeans with brown combat boots. I put a grey beanie on once I finished straightening my hair. I threw on some accessories and walked out of my room and outside.

I arrived at school two minutes late, so I took my needy time. There were still some students outside that were pretty bad ass. I walked past nodded at them as if to say 'Hi'. I walked inside the school and went to my first class, math. It was pretty terrible having math first, especially if you never do your homework. I don't see that as bad ass, I see that as being extremely lazy.

I walked inside and got a glare from my teacher, which I ignored and sat down in the back. I acted as if I were paying attention, but instead pulled out my phone and texted my best friend. My best friend's name is Lily and hates violence. That's why I didn't just beat up Valerie when she called me a nerd.

Valerie is your typical blonde bitch that thinks she's cute the way she cakes her makeup on. She has a lot of money and shit. Oh and did I mention she thinks everything happens because of her? Yeah, I wore this shirt because she woke up today. Totally!

Back to Lily. Lily has different colored hair. It's brown at the top, light brown, then blonde tips. She has brown eyes and is pretty. I'm, well, different from her. I have tan skin and light brown hair with blue eyes.

After class, Valerie came up to me again. I never understood how she could wear such revealing clothing and high heels. How she got her hair so blonde was beyond me.

"Ew, it's the nerd." Valerie said, earning a few snickers from people around us.

"Ew, it's the slut." I said back.

"Come on, Ivy, let's go." Lily tugged on me.

"Yeah, listen to your good girl friend. Nerds." Valerie insulted.

"That's it." I muttered.

You can insult me, but not my best friend. I tackled her down to the floor, she gasped in surprise. I took that to my advantage and started punching her fake face. She tried to throw a punch, but I dodged most of them. She got me a couple of times, but not too bad. Once she was all bloody, I got up and kicked her. Insult my best friend, you'll need an ambulance.

Lily had her hands on her mouth in shock. I tugged her away and into the parking lot to my car. She got into the passenger side and I drove her home, since she doesn't have a car. Once I dropped her off, I went home.

Once I arrived home, there was some of Valerie's friends egging my house. People stood by and laughed. I got out of my car and ripped the girls up by their hair. My house was a mess and my parents are going to fucking kill me. I thought of what to do with them, before letting go and going inside my house.

I grabbed some soap and rags before going outside and handing them it. They gulped and immediately started cleaning, while shooing everyone away. Everyone except one group had left. It was the group of bad asses from this morning. They were doubled over in laughter and I shot them a look. They straightened up and stopped laughing, except one. The one guy realized everyone else stopped laughing and looked at me. I sent him the glare, yet he was still amused.

"What?" I snapped at him.

"You didn't even," Laugh, "Have to say anything and they're scared of you for beating up barbie." The guy answered.

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