Sorry I forgot to send this

Start from the beginning

"Okay! We're going to play soccer this week! Like always we're going to team up." the coach shout to us. Then, everyone line up to two line. (If you wondering, this would be girl fighting girl and boy will fight boy too) Y/N look around her confused that everyone make a line and she still stuck in the middle. "Here!" Aoi whisper as Y/N looking around in confusion. She grab Y/N hand and bring her in the line. "Take this ball." the coach say as she throw both girls and boys the ball. "You can play them there, boy." she say as she point to another field next to this field. "Wow... This school is really big..." Y/N say whispering to herself. "And girls, play here and I will watch both of you." she say. "Alright..." all the girls answer. All the girl turns back and ready in their position. While Y/N that doesn't know anything confused about what's going on. "Hey! Are you the new student?" the coach look at Y/N knowing from her action. "y-yeah..."
Y/N answer stuttering. "You stand next to Aoi there. Get ready." she say. Y/N answer it with nodding and immediately rush to the place. "Are you okay?" Aoi ask. "Yeah. Why do you ask?" Y/N say. "Ah... Nothing." Aoi say. Y/N can feel like Aoi hiding something from her but she decided not to mention it now because soccer will start soon.

Teru are helping his teacher bring book to her desk. They walk at the hallway that has a window to see the school front. He turns his face looking around and he saw Y/N at the field playing soccer. He feels excited and he want to see his friend there so he immediately walk to the faculty room to place it. The teacher confused with Teru actions but decided not to show any argue.

As soon as the teacher shout "Now!" to us, Y/N feels goosebumps and nervous but she try not to vomit. Major team rush to front except for the goal keeper. They blocking each other and try to steal ball from them.

Y/N Pov
"As long as I know soccer is... I need to make the ball go in there." I thought as I look the goal. "Alright. This should be easy...right?" I question myself. "Maybe watching soccer with dad not a waste" I thought as I remember his favorite sport. "Let's go." I whisper to myself. I rush to the people that has the ball and try to steal it. Fortunately, they didn't even block my attack. I bring the bowl and kick it hard to the goal. I know that girls really afraid of getting hit so instead of blocking my ball they cover their face and avoid it making it really easy. "Yeay!!!" I shout and went to Aoi hugging her. Aoi looking at me not believing me. "It's quiet short for one goal." Aoi say to me. "Yeah... I guess watching soccer with my father not a waste." I say to her while tighting our hug. Yashiro watch from a distance feeling the same as Aoi. "Alright. Enough of you two! Let's play again." the coach say. "Alright..." they all sigh and went back to their position.

Teru Pov
I immediately get out from the faculty room and went downstairs since I'm in second floor. I rush to outside. Looking at Y/N. Thanks god... I made it in time.... I let out a satisfied sigh. I want to support her even from a distance. I should be in class now but watching
Y/N is way more interesting. I watch her stealing the ball and make a goal. When I saw her did the goal, I'm jumping with excitement. Then I look at her again, she's hugging Aoi. Akane crush. Strangely, I feel an unusual feeling. It's the negative one. I'm mad. But it's not mad...its more of jealous? I touch my chest. Then, I slap myself. No! She's my friend. She can't many friend too! I say arguing with myself. Then, I feel someone tapping my shoulder. Oh shit... This is going to be complicated. Teru say in his mind. He look behind him and ready to return to his airheaded facade. He look behind him and saw Hanako-kun. Thanks it's not human... Even tho it's supernatural... I still feel relieved.

He change his face expression to the serious one. "What are you doing here. Do you want me to exorcist you?" he say and his last sentence sounds more like warning than a question. "Nah~ I'm too young to be exorcist." he say while hugging himself (his pose is like when the first episode when Yashiro met him) "What are YOU doing here? Are you stalking my Yashiro?" Hanako-kun say while his finger touching his lips. (Hananene rise up) (like in the scene when he say "you want a kiss?") (the pose he doing is same like in this story) (sorry I'm sick at pose) "Hell no. I'm not interested in her.  She has fat legs like daikon." Teru say without hesitating. (sorry Yashiro T^T) "Plus she's not my type." Teru continue. (He doesn't noticed that he's hurting our Nene) "Yeah... I guess so... So, are you stalking Y/N-chan?" Hanako-kun ask him again. "N-no... I'm not stalking. I'm just looking at her from the distance." Teru say covering his face. "OK then..." Hanako-kun say. "That's creepy... He's really a stalker." Hanako-kun stuck in his mind that Teru is a creepy stalker.

Y/N Pov
After the PE class, we had break so we're going to get some rest. "Here!" Aoi say as she give me mineral water. "Thank you Aoi!" Yashiro thanked her. She must appreciate it much since she's sweating all over her clothes. "Thanks" I simply say to her and drink it until nothing's left. "Your so good today,
Y/N!" Aoi say complimenting me. "Yeah! Are you have any secret?" Yashiro ask. "Not really... Maybe because I always watch soccer with my dad when I was little." Y/N say. "Eh! But it's your first play, right? How can you be so good at this???" Aoi say as she sitting next to us on a bench. "I don't know how... But I guess it's work." Y/N say as she smiling. "Tell me your secret..." Yashiro say as her expression change. (If you already read the manga, her expression now is like when he try to take red tags from little Hanako-kun when she jump back at time.) Yashiro move each one of her finger. (like someone that want to tickle you) "Are you sure???" Then she say again. "A-aa...." Y/N is now uncomfortable and her gut tell her that this is going to be bad. "Oh no..." Y/N say as she want to run away but it's all too late now. Yashiro start tickling her stomach make Y/N let out big laughter.
"Hahahaha!" She laughing nonstop. "You're stubborn." she say while continuing her tickle. Aoi looks at both of them giggling while others looking at them having a good time. "Stop please! Hahahaha!!!" Y/N now begging for her to stop tickling. "You're really stubborn." Yashiro say as she stop and sighing. Y/N feels better now and continue laughing looking at Yashiro face that regret. "Alright 2x...  Let's just rest for now before we're going to play again." Aoi sigh. She sound like a mother. I'm glad that she's starting to slowly trust us. Even if it's slow, it's going to happen someday when she will be honest toward us. I smile look at her and she smiling back at me. We're enjoying our time together like a good friend...

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