Something New (s.s x reader)

Start from the beginning

"Can we at least shower together?"

"Nice try," he sighed, "I already did."

You groaned and swung your legs over the side of the bed, immediately feeling the toy move inside of you. Severus ignored the noise you made, casually getting dressed while you slowly climbed out of the bed.

It wasn't until you began walking that you realized how rough the day was going to be. The plug shifted inside of you with every movement. It was torture. You grimaced with every step you took, the toy slowly stretching you out throughout the morning. The lack of time caused you to rush getting ready in order to make it to your class, speeding down the corridors. It would be fine, you thought. It was Friday and the two of you only had one class before you would be back in your chambers.

It was best to stand, because any pressure on your bottom resulted in a little yelp as the toy was pushed much deeper inside of you. The students probably wondered why you didn't sit, but you tried to play it off by pretending to reorganize the supply closet while they worked. You found yourself sitting behind your desk once again just as Minerva walked into the room for your meeting. You were discussing a second-year that was failing all of their classes. The two of you thought it would be best to work out a plan to help them instead of leaving them to deal with it themselves. You shifted uncomfortably in the chair as you sat, struggling to find a way to avoid placing more pressure on it.

"Are you alright, dear?" Minerva asked, looking to you with concern. You quickly sat up straight, assuring her you were fine.

"Oh, I'm great. Just a little tired actually." You gave her a genuine smile. She had always been pretty protective over you, having known your mom since they were both at Hogwarts together.

"Now how about their Potions grade? I was thinking I could talk to Severus about giving them some extra assignments, but he might prefer to hear it from you..."

As much as you loved Minerva, you were relieved to shut the door behind her as she left your classroom. Gathering a few books and papers you needed to mark, you made the trip to the dungeons.


"Severus, are you home?" After looking around your chambers, you realized he was nowhere to be found. The weekend would be nothing but marking and lesson plans, so you decided it would be best to get ahead. If you started now, you might be able to get most of it finished by Saturday afternoon so that you could enjoy the weekend. You rarely got to spend the weekends with Severus near the end of term, and you could tell it was taking a toll on him. He was irritable as ever, and the free time you did have usually ended in a quickie and rushed 'I love you's before you were off to the next class.

Wanting to fill the silence, you turned on your wireless radio to listen to some music. Most of your papers were already spread across the kitchen table from the night before. You took out your quill and ink to begin on your lesson plans for the next month. Most of the students didn't take Divination seriously as it was, and with O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s coming up, they seemed to care even less. If they weren't dozing off in class or discussing more challenging subjects, their minds were somewhere else completely. Whether they were mentally reciting instructions for potions, or worrying about how they would explain their marks to disapproving parents, you didn't know.

You just needed to figure out a way to regain their attention without drowning them in more work. That way, they could spend their free time on other things. You had nothing but sympathy for them, since you knew how stressful this time could be. It didn't help that your partner was one of the teachers causing them the most trouble. Coincidentally, you just heard the door click shut over the volume of the music. It was followed by a pair of footsteps and the music shutting off.

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