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Waking up with excitement of going on a date and finally with Jo Yuri, Yena was now on her way to Yuri’s house, Yena planned for the two to skip school and hangout to which Yuri didn’t reject and accepted it, the older girl was going to take her to an amusement park for the day and Yuri loved the idea of that.

While Yuri was getting ready, Wonyoung was helping her choose what clothing to wear, when finally she was ready, she had to sit there hearing some advice for first dates since this was Yuri’s official first date.

“Your girlfriend is here” Yerim stops looking in the window and walks over to Yuri.

Gowon goes on her tip toes as she covers Wonyoung’s ears before she can speak “And if tonight is your lucky night do it at a hotel”

Yuri’s face turns to a slight pink, to hide the pinkness she gets out of the house with her head down trying to cover the fact the was blushing.

“Why did you cover my ears” Wonyoung asked confused of the situation, Gowon pursed her lips.

“Nothing you should hear”


Hyewon who had just walked by looks at Yujin who was sitting in front of their university with a lemonade stand open, next to her was a sign that said “Daeng’s lemonade”

“Aren’t you a little too old for lemonade stands?” Hyewon asked, Yujin grabs a lemon from the display before throwing it at Hyewon.

“Aren’t you a little too old to exist?” Yujin came back, Hyewon glared at her not even trying to fight back and just decided to finish her way to the restaurant her parents had invited her to.

A couple minutes after Hyewon arrives, Eunbi finally arrives, Hyewon smiles as she sees her, Eunbi runs to her and hugs her and gives her a kiss on the cheek and one on the lips.

“Why are we here?” Eunbi asked as she looked inside the restaurant, Hyewon sighs and frowns.

“You tricked me again to come to dinner with your family” Eunbi pouted and Hyewon nodded slowly, Eunbi sighed and gave her a reassuring smile.

“Let’s go inside” Hyewon holds her hand and the two start to walk inside the fancy restaurant to her family, knowing Hyewon’s family there are times where her uncles and aunts show off their children meanwhile Hyewon who studies engineering while being a soccer player who goes on yachts every weekends isn’t much for her family standards.

“My daughter and her girlfriend arrived, sit down” her father greets them to which Hyewon and Eunbi bow as they sit down next to each other.

“Hyewon I wanted to ask you if you have thought of a internship to enter” her uncle asked, Hyewon froze up, yes she knew what internship but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to share that.

“I was going to join sky power..” Hyewon mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear, her uncle hummed as a response.

“I have a friend there I can help you get in there” her uncle suggested making one of her aunts scoff.

“Isn’t that too low for her, my son and daughter are joining the highest company, you should join us” another family member joined the discussion making Hyewon sigh as she knew where this was going.

“Why else do you think i’m going to call my friend to help her get in” her uncle scoffed as a responde, Eunbi looks down at Hyewon’s hand that was in a tight ball, Eunbi unmakes the ball and intertwined their fingers with each other for support.

“How about soccer? You should quit that” her other aunt suggested.

“Right, it’s useless anyways, what’s important is choosing the right internship” her aunt tried to prove a point but it wasn't working on Hyewon.

“Don’t you agree, brother?” she asked Hyewon’s dad who was calmly watching the discussion.

“No comment” he spoke, Hyewon gave him the side eye knowing he is willing to defend Hyewon, the younger girl stands up making the chair she was sitting on falling down as she stormed away

“Leave her Eunbi, she is never going to learn” her dad warned Eunbi, Eunbi doesn't listen to him and follows behind her, when they leave the restaurant Hyewon finally turns to Eunbi.

“They always think I can’t make it” Hyewon spoke with a sad tone but it was also mixed with some anger.

“I think you are good enough to join sky power, your english is good you had good grades...kinda of” Eunbi tried to cheer up the girl, she did though, even my exciting Hyewon would feel cheered up.

“You're not helping” Hyewon joked as she heard the last part Eunbi said, Eunbi smiles warmly.

“Want to go on my yacht for the day?” Hyewon asked, earning a scoff from the older girl.

“Crazy rich girl..” Eunbi joked making Hyewon chuckle.

“Is that a yes?”



Yena and Yuri were walking around the park right next to amusement park, one thing was that Yena never asked Yuri to be her girlfriend just after the kiss Yena assumed they just started dating from there.

“Yuri..should I get on one knee and ask you to be my girlfriend or..?” Yena asked to what how she should ask Yuri to be her girlfriend.

“Don’t you’ll embarrass yourself” Yuri laughed to which Yena nodded and just stopped Yuri from walking before she could stand in front of her and grab both of her hands.

“Jo Yuri, I never got to ask you this but..” Yena started out now was about to start her at least one paragraph speech to ask Yuri to be her girlfriend.

“Yes” Yuri accepted, saving Yena from speaking a lot, Yena smiles awkwardly not knowing she was going to accept it that quick.

“You want to be my girlfriend?” Yena asked with a tint of hope to which Yuri granted and nodded.

“Yes, I love you too” Yuri confessed before Yena could pick her up off the ground of excitement, Yuri just let her be since she could understand how happy Yena must've felt after getting accepted to be Yuri’s girlfriend.

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