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“Jungeun, do you want me to drop you at your house?” Eunbi asked concerned, it’s been a couple hours since the incident, Jungeun hasn't spoken at all since then.

“What was your relationship with her exactly?” Vivi asked, Jungeun only shook her head.

“It’s nothing now, please I want to go home” Jungeun mumbled, Eunbi nodded and picked up Jungeun’s bag before helping Jungeun to back up.

“I’ll go with you guys” Hyewon quickly stops eating and stands up as she starts to walk over to Eunbi, Eunbi gives her a death glare.

“Eunbi, just let her go, I'm not in the mood to see you two argue” Jungeun walks out of the restaurant, Eunbi finally sighs and walks behind Jungeun, Hyewon does a little small celebration dance.

“You coming or not?” Eunbi turns around to Hyewon, Hyewon quickly straightens up and puts a straight face.

“Yes ma’am” Hyewon follows behind Eunbi, once they were out and in the car, Jungeun laid down in the back seats while Hyewon sat in the passenger seat next to Eunbi.

“How does it feel to be in a break up that lasts so long…?” Jungeun asked the two, Hyewon sighs and shrugs.

“You’ll once learn your lesson and punishment is losing someone you really loved and probably still do” Hyewon turns her head to Eunbi, Eunbi avoids question and continues to drive, trying to avoid smiling or grinning so she stays with a cold expression.

“But there are times, the person you love doesn’t love you back even though you love them more than yourself, Eunbi I still love you even though you don’t feel the same way”

“I’m sorry, I didn't mean to ask that” Jungeun looks at the situation she had caused, Hyewon looked away sheepishly and gave Jungeun a smile.

“It’s okay” Hyewon assured her, Eunbi looked at Hyewon before quickly looking back at the road again, placing her hand on her lap as she used the other hand to drive.

“Jungeun, we’ll almost be at your house” said Eunbi as she would take glances at Hyewon’s hand who would try to get closer every time but would hesitate and move back where it was.

“I’m sorry to ask this, but have you ever considered..getting back together” Jungeun asked, Eunbi lets out a shaky sigh and she gripped one of her hands onto the wheel, Hyewon looks at Jungeun, she gave her a nod, she wanted to be with Eunbi again.

Hyewon finally gets the courage to move her on Eunbi’s hand that was on her lap, the car was silent the whole way to Jungeun’s house, the only sound that could be heard was the soft playing music coming from the radio.

“Jungeun, we’re here” Eunbi said as they got out of the car, removing Hyewon’s hand from hers, now she missed that feeling again, she wanted to hold Hyewon’s hand again.

“Thank you, I’ll see you guys tomorrow” Jungeun hugs both girls before running away into her house.

“I can drive you home” Eunbi continued to speak coldly to Hyewon, Hyewon nodded as she quickly went to the door and opened the door for Eunbi to get in.

“Don’t do this, Hyewon” Eunbi warned her, it just reminded her of their first date.

“I’m being a gentlewoman” Hyewon says with a teasing smirk, Eunbi slowly pushes her away from the door before closing it, Hyewon runs to the other side before Eunbi could lock the doors.

Once again, silence was dominating the car, it felt..happy, Eunbi really was starting to regret everything, she loved Hyewon but she didn’t want Hyewon to become a bad person, so she did it the hard way and let her go and give her a lesson, in a couple minutes they arrived at Hyewon’s house.

“I’ll see you tomorrow at Hyunjin’s game” Hyewon was about to leave but she stopped herself and looked at Eunbi who wasn't looking at her and ignoring her, Hyewon could only chuckle at Eunbi as she went closer to Eunbi, giving her multiple pecks on the lips just to see Eunbi didn’t move one bit.

Hyewon finally leans in for a kiss, once she finished she got out with a smile, Eunbi saw her enter her house when she finally was a bit far away from Hyewon’s house, she parked the car at the side of the road before slowly placing her head on the wheel, what she felt kept getting even worse.


“I'm sorry….” Jungeun mumbles as she caresses the picture of her and Jinsoul at an amusement park and she sees a teardrop on her phone making her want to cry even more.

“Jungeun..can we talk?” Jungeun hears her mom say from the door of her room and Jungeun quickly rubs her eyes and turns her phone off before nodding and her mom sits next to her.

“Is something wrong?” Ms. Kim asks and Jungeun nodded and hugged her mom before crying on her shoulder, her mom just rubs her back until she stops crying, minutes later Jungeun stopped crying and broke the hug and looked back at her mom.

“Something happened today…” Jungeun admitted and her mom nodded slowly and sighed and caressed her daughter’s head.

“Jungeun, can I ask you something...do you like girls for any chance?” her mom asked and Jungeun nodded and frowned, her mom grinned.

“Jungie you know I will always love you, I always wanted to ask you that since you always looked uncomfortable when your with Jinsoul in front of me” Ms. Kim said and she could see her daughter’s expression change when she mentioned the name Jinsoul.

“me and Jinsoul broke up..” Jungeun said and Ms. Kim frowned, Jungeun told her the whole story about her lying to Jinsoul about Jisung.

Once Jungeun’s mom has left Jungeun to sleep, Jungeun goes to check her phone but as expected nothing, Jungeun goes over to Jinsoul’s contact before inhaling and clicking messages.

“Jinsoul, I told my mom about us, she is more than okay with it...I love you” Jungeun types on her phone and immediately deletes it and puts her phone back down and lays down on her bed as she sighs.

Theory Of Love (Loona x Iz*one)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant