Chapter 4

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Namjoon's and Yoongi's eyes widen by the words that left Hoseok's mouth. The air in the room started to blow harder, the longer the two took to answer. The room fell into silence and the tension was high. Hoseok felt a chill ran down his back. When he turned to face Yoongi, his white eyes met with icy blue ones that was glaring at him. Namjoon frowned as he watch the two glare at one another.

"Don't barge in here, and demand us to answer you." Yoongi said as he continued to glare at Hoseok. Hoseok let out a chuckle that was obviously was happy. "It's none of your business, so leave now. You won't get an answer."

"You're not the boss of me." Hoseok said challenging Yoongi's glare. "I deserve to know why you kept that Yon's a grim reaper from me. After all, I was the one who made a deal with them. And in return, we would stay away from their kind. Or have you two forgotten that."

Namjoon let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair. He made eye contact with Hoseok and gave him a smile full of sorrow. "I am well aware of the deal, Hoseok. But Yon's parents asked us to take care of her the day before they left the town. They knew they were going to die, and didn't want their daughter all alone."

"Yon's parents they were going to be killed. They had not only asked us to protect Yon, but to kept her true self a secret." Yoongi said as he crossed his arms over his chest with a frown. "Yon's parents killer is still on the loose. Knowing that, we had a mage cast a sealing spell to seal Yon's power and presence away. Although, the spell can be broken at any given time."

Hoseok stood there in silence. Not breathing a single word. He took in the information that was given to him, and was currently deciding on whether he should be mad at them or not. The deal he had made with the grim reapers, was that if anything were to happen to their dragons, the grim reapers would take their soul to heaven. However, in return for that, the dragon warriors would have to stay away from them.

The dragon warriors and the grim reapers weren't on good terms. And the reason for that was because of Jungkook. Jungkook caused a fight with one of the grim reapers elders, because the elder had come to collect the soul of a friend of Jungkook's. After that, the grim reapers disliked that dragon warriors. That was until Hoseok made the deal.

"I understand." Hoseok said as he let out a sigh. Hoseok could understand why Namjoon and Yoongi kept it a secret. Hoseok frown and looked at the two males. "However, if you hide anything important like this from me again, I will tear you to shreds."

Both Namjoon and Yoongi stiffened. Hoseok is extremely scary when he is angry. Which is why everyone tires to stay on his good side.

"It's late, so I'll be heading to bed. Good night." And with that, Hoseok left the two males in the room, and headed to his room.


Two days passed, and the time to part ways was nearing. Inside the mansion, deep down in the basement, sat Si-woo. He was chained to the wall, but not right enough for him to not be able to eat. Si-woo sat there staring blankly at the ceiling, hearing the voices of the dragon warriors and humans.

Si-woo frowned at the sound of a rat. He looked down and saw a grey rat, sitting in front of him on two legs. The rat had something tied onto it. Si-woo's eyes widen when he recognized the rat.

He reached out his hand, and the rat ran to it. Si-woo grabbed the tub that was tied to the rat, and the rat ran away, only after he finished his job. Si-woo opened the small tub, and inside was a letter. Letting out a sigh, Si-woo read it out loud.

"Si-woo, it is time for our plan. You need to kill Prince Taehyung, and you nust do it now. If you refuse to do so, and not go along with then plan. Then your dear sister will be the one to receive your punishment. And if you don't remember, I will inform you punishment for betraying us. Death. So choose wisely."

After finishing reading it, Si-woo crumbled the paper. He sat there in silence for a couple of minutes, only to start to laugh. However, his laughter turned into one with no humor. He brought his knees up to his chest, burying his face into his knees.

His lips turned downward into a frown, as his eyes saddened. He sat there in deep thought, contemplating on what he should do. It was much more harder for him, since either way he would be losing someone he cared for.

"I don't know what to do." Si-woo said in a shaky voice. His eyes glossed over with tears, not knowing what to choose. If he goes along with the plan, and kills Taehyung, then Jungkook will kill him. Si-woo isn't afraid of death, but he didn't want to take away the person that Jungkook now loves. But if he doesn't go along with the plan, his sister will die. With a shaky voice, trembling lips, and tears falling down his face, Si-woo asked the only person he knew.

"Vio, please tell me what to do."

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