Chapter 2

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Jimin was sitting outside, looking up at the clouds. He was exhausted from train all day everyday, that he was on the brink of passing out. The others scold him, but he didn't listen. He needed to become stronger. Strong enough to protect Taehyung.

He still felt guilty for how the queen died. Both queens. He watched them both die and he couldn't do anything. Queen Ara had a secret that only Jimin knew. Jimin bit his lip and frown at the secret he had been keeping from Taehyung.

Jimin was scared that if he knew, Taehyung would hate his father and mother. Jimin didn't want that, he didn't want Taehyung to hate them. He wanted Taehyung to love his parents and not hate them.

"You need to stop." Jimin heard Yoongi said. Yoongi grabbed Jimin, holding him so Jimin stopped trained. Jimin looked at Yoongi and glared at him, mad that Yoongi was stopping his training. "Don't give me that look. If you kept overworking yourself, you'll get sick."

"I don't care if I get sick, as long as I'm strong enough then I'll be able to protect Tae." Jimin said as he tried to catch his breath. Yoongi frowned and grabbed Jimin's hand, pulling him toward the house. "What are you-"

"You are most stupidest person I know." Yoongi said in an annoyed voice. He opened the front door and pulled Jimin inside, closing it afterward. "Of you get sick, you'll only make Taehyung and the other worry. Do you want that?"

Jimin didn't say anything. He let Yoongi dragged him over to the living room. Everyone was already sitting down on the couches. Jimin sat down on one of the couches next to Yoongi. He could see that everyone was tense and serious, and he knew why. The battle was coming very soon, and they needed a plan. Namjoon cleared his throat, making everyone to look at him.

"We all know that the battle is coming soon. Taehyung has made the decision to keep his brother alive so he could pay for his crimes." Namjoon spoke in a clear voice. Everyone nodded their head, agreeing with Taehyung's decision. "Since the battle is nearing, we need a battle plan. But first we need to figure out where Jihun is planning to attack first."

Everyone sat in silence, thinking. They hadn't figured out where Jihun was planning to attack first, simply because they didn't want to get near the royal castle. If they got close to the royal castle, there is a big chance someone in the royal guards will recognize Taehyung or Jimin. There's also the dragon warriors, who don't want to go anywhere near the castle. But how would they figure out where Jihun is planning to attack?

"I'll go to the royal capital and spy." Jin said in a serious voice. Namjoon's eyes widen, and his mouth opened. Everyone looked at Jin in disbelief,  but then in worry. Jin gave them a small smile, "Stop with those looks. Someone has to do it, and it's best if I went. Jungkook and Yoongi both have a temper, and would get in trouble. Hoseok dislikes humans because they are cruel to their kinds. Taehyung and Jimin can't go regardless."

"I won't stop you, if you want to go." Namjoon spoke, looking down with a frown. His hands, which were linked together, tighten. He knew Jin wouldn't back down from this, nor would Jin let someone talk him out of it. Namjoon knew Jin very well, which is why he's letting Jin go. But something was troubling Namjoon, and he disliked it.

"Someone should go with Jin hyung." Jungkook spoke up. He had a frown on his face, and his eyes were full with worry. "Jin hyung isn't a combat dragon. His specialty is healing magic. So, someone else should go with him."

"I agree with Kook." Hoseok said, connecting his hands together and bringing them up to his mouth. His eyes narrowed in thought. "On top of figuring out where Jihun is planning to attack first, we need to find the grimoire. On top of all this, there's one huge problem going around this kingdom."

"And what is it?" Jimin asked, looking at Hoseok. 

"The other Kingdoms." Yoongi said in a serious voice. Everyone looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "The other three Kingdoms have been seen preparing for a war. They probably sense that Jihun wants to start war. King Yujun, King Malchin, and Queen Haru have very powerful soldiers and army. We need to inform them about what had happened the night of the King's death. And also, ask them to not hurt the innocent civilians."

"I think Namjoon should go with Jin to the royal capital." Taehyung said in a thoughtful voice. He pointed at Namjoon and Jin. "You two are both smart, smart enough to get the information we need and get out of their safely. So please, both of be safe when you do go, and protect each other." 

Namjoon and Jin nodded their heads. Now all that was left was to determine who was going to find the grimoire and talk to the other three kingdom's rulers. Taehyung thought about everything and came up with a conclusion. Letting out a sigh, Taehyung stood up.

"I'm sorry, I know how important that grimoire is to you dragon warriors. But I ask for you to forget about it for now. Once Jihun is stopped, I promise to help you find the grimoire. I know this is a selfish request, but please help me stop my brother first." Taehyung said as he bowed his head towards the dragon warriors. He felt a hand place itself on his head and looked up.

"You don't need to bow your head to us. We've already told you that we'll help you." Jungkook said in a soft voice. Taehyung gave him a wide boxy smile, which made Jungkook's eyes soften. "For now, let's figure out who goes to which kingdom."

"I've already thought about that." Taehyung said, turning towards everyone. "Jimin and Yoongi, you two will go and visit King Yujun. Yujun loves Jimin like his brother, so you show be able to convince him." Jimin and Yoongi nodded their heads. "Jungkook and I will visit Queen Haru. I've known her since I was a kid. So, she won't be a problem. The problem is...."

"King Malchin..." Jimin said as he and Taehyung both frown. They both let out a sigh, causing everyone to look at them. "King Malchin is going to be hard to convince."

I'm so sorry for this super late chapter! I had a bit of writers block. But lucky I got out of it! Once again, I'm sorry. I'll see you next chapter!


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