Chapter 3

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"Why will it be hard to convince King Malchin?" Yon asked as she pulled on the blanket that was covering her legs. Hoseok watched her fiddle with the blank, and smiled.

"Malchin kinda hates Taehyung and I..." Jimin said in a nervous voice. Everyone looked at them, only to see Taehyung roll his eyes. "You see, Malchin always hated Taehyung. To him Taehyung is worthless and not worthy of a crown."

Jungkook's lips went from a frown to a smile. Jungkook wanted to speak to this King. But he knew that he would end up punching Malchin, which wouldn't be convenient from them.

"But why does he hate you, Jimin?" Jin asked. Jimin let out a nervous chuckle.

"I kinda uh, ya know, kicked him in the balls. Hehe." Jimin said, which cause everyone but Yoongi, Jungkook, and Taehyung, to gasp. "Now here me out! He had grabbed my ass, and was talking shit about Taehyung. So, I kicked him were it hurts."

Jungkook made eye contact with Jimin, and gave him a thumbs up. Jimin smiled, only to hear Jin and Hoseok burst out laughing. Yoongi tried to hide his small smile, but Jimin saw it. Jimin wished to look at it longer, but it disappeared as quick as it came.

"Well it's a good thing that neither of you are going to go visit him." Jin said with a chuckle. Namjoon also nodded with a chuckle. "Looks like Hoseok and Yon have their work cut out for them."

"Thanks." Hoseok said with a sigh. Yon chuckled a cute laugh, which warmed Hoseok's heart. "So, when will we all leave?"

"How about in three days, that'll give us time to pack out things." Namjoon said, which everyone agreed to. Namjoon let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair. "OK, that's all for today. I'll be heading back to my office to prepare stuff. See you guys later."

And with that, everyone left the living room.


Yon was sitting in the library reading a book. It wasn't any normal book though. It was a book with spells. The book was black and had a skull on the cover. Yon found it extremely weird but never questioned it.

Just then, Yon heard the library door open. She looked up to see Hoseok smiling at her. Yon has known for sometime that she had developed a crush on the dragon warrior. But, she decided it was best to not tell him. At least not yet, with war approaching them.

"What are you reading?" Hoseok asked sitting next to her. Hoseok leaned over and his eyes widen. He had recognized the cover. Yon ran her fingers over the cover with a sad smile.

"It's a book that was my mothers'." Yon said as memories flashed through her head. The picture of her mom and dad smiling at her, made her heart hurt. Hoseok went still, as he stared at Yon. It was like his world was paused. However, he snapped back into reality as his eyes landed on Yon's smile.

"What was your mother like?" Hoseok's question made Yon's eyes widen. Yon looked up at Hoseok with her beautiful blue eyes. Hoseok gave her a soft smile. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But I would like to know more about you."

Yon's cheeks turned a light pink as she turned away from Hoseok. Hoseok looked at her confused as to why she turned away from him. Hoseok was oblivious about Yon's feelings for him, and say things that could be taken the wrong way. Hoseok was just a kind-hearted person, who was a bit oblivious.

"N-No, that's ok. I'll tell you." Yon said as she fidgets with her fingers. Hoseok looked at her with a smile, waiting patiently for her to speak. "I didn't know them that well, since I was only six. But my mom was super kind and nice. Although, people in the town seemed afraid of her and my dad. I don't know why though. This book was the last thing I have of my parents, well other than some other stuff like this ring."

Yon showed Hoseok the ring that was on her index finger on her right hand. The ring had a black stone, and what looked like little tiny stars in the black stone. However, the stars weren't that noticeable, unless you looked at it long enough. Hoseok stared at it for longer than he should, before Yon covered it up with her left hand. 

"Mom and dad said it will protect me, no matter what. She used to say that a powerful being cast a spell on it, although I never believed her." Yon said with a soft smile as she rubbed the ring. "Oh, look how late it got, I should head to bed. Goodnight Hoseok."

Hoseok watched as Yon got up, holding the book close to her chest, and leave the library. Hoseok's eyes darken as he sat there alone. He got up and marched over to Namjoon's office. His eyes were now glowing white, which caused Jimin, who was walking to his room, move out of his way.

when Hoseok entered Namjoon's office, he came face to face with Namjoon and Yoongi. Having notice Hoseok's eyes, and feeling his anger, Yoongi closed the door. 

"What's wrong Hoseok?" Namjoon asked.

"When were you going to tell me that Yon is a grim reaper."

*Cries* I'M SO SORRY! the month of March was a very hard and depressing month for me, so I wasn't motivated to write. I hope you all had a happy Easter! And I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm already working on the next chapter. Along with my other book! See you guys next chapter.


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