just one day (a) - 7

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jungkook had just got out of the shower and he walks towards the bedroom door, opening it and the first thing he saw was jimin sitting on the edge of the bed.

"hey, you're awake." jungkook spoke with a soft voice.

good morning, did you sleep well?

jimin only looks at him with a blank expression on his face. jungkook clears his throat, feeling awkward standing there as jimin stare at him with no expression whatsoever. "i'll help you pack your stuff before you leave. you can go shower first if you want?" jungkook's voice was hesitant, and the last sentence turned out to be more of a question than a request. jungkook gulps when he didn't hear any response from the other, anxiety creeping up his body.

jimin finally nods in response, his gaze now on the floor. jimin gets up to leave the room and the wind from jimin's body movement brushes against jungkook's skin as jimin walks past his soon to be ex lover.

it was strange. only a few months ago they were so happy. so joyful, and full of love and euphoria blooming in the air. they were all so happy. both jimin and jungkook, along with their friends who supported their relationship from the very start. if someone had told jimin a few months ago that they would turn out like this, jimin would just laugh out loud and say that they would never ever turn out like that, but maybe fate really didn't want them together anymore. they were perfect. their relationship was so perfect. they fit each other so nicely and it was like they really belonged with each other, and they both were so, so happy. jungkook was so in love, and the same goes for jimin. jimin would've never guessed that they'd turn out this way and it hurt. it was painful to watch as their relationship fall down just like that. after years of building their friendship, then slowly turning into a relationship, their relationship falls downhill just like that. it was painful, even for their friends, too.

jimin stood in the shower, letting the running water soak his whole body as his eyes start to sting in the corner of his eyes. he sniffed quietly, afraid that jungkook would hear him from the other side of the door. jimin's sniffles and broken sobs made it harder for jimin to breathe as his breath got heavier and heavier. tears spilt over and flowed down jimin's face and his tears mixed with the clear water from the running shower.

jimin walks out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him and drags his suitcase towards the exit door. he stops right in front of the door and turns around to take a last look at the house he and jungkook lives— lived in.

he'd miss when jungkook used to cook for jimin every morning and jimin wakes up to the smell of pancakes. jimin backhugging jungkook, placing his chin on jungkook's shoulder and kissing his nape and jungkook would giggle shyly'3 ws every time. he'd miss when they would cuddle up on the couch watching ironman, god knows how many times they've watched it and jimin grew tired of it but watched it anyway because he wanted jungkook to be happy. he'd miss when their friends came over and sit on the couch to play UNO and other types of games. he'd miss when jungkook would yell out 'no's when he'd lost. he'd miss  the times when they would just make out on the couch and ended up in the bedroom having sex. he kisses when they both showers every morning together, now they don't even have time to see eeach other in the morning due to their packed schedules. jimin chuckles sadly at that. he'd miss every single thing that happened in this house.

he didnt realize tears were trickling down his cheeks until he heard footsteps from the bedroom door. he looks at jungkook and realizes how skinny he had become. jungkook looks at him with a sorrowful look on his face, his tears threatening to fall down his cheeks.

jungkook tries to smile, but a strained one comes out. jimin bites his lip hard, trying to suppress his tears as he reminds himself, this was your decision.

but he couldnt do it.

jimin breaks down in tears as loud sobs echoes through the room. jungkook's tears finally falls. seeing jimin cry was the cherry on top.

jungkook walks towards jimin, wrapping his arms around jimin's waist engulfing jimin's smaller body onto his biggerone as their tears fall down uncontrollably like a waterfall.

"i- i can't." jimin spoke with a quavering voice.

jungkook pulls away to look at jimin's teary eyes looking back at him. "you can't? you can't what, jimin?" jungkook asks, even though deep down he knows what jimin meant. he knew jimin never wanted this but their relationship was already at a breaking point.

"i- i can't do it. i- i can't."

jimin shakes his head as more tears trickle down his cheeks and onto his lips, making jimin taste his own salty tears.

jungkook looks at him with soft eyes, feeling the urge to kiss jimin was so strong, like magnets of the opposite poles.

"then don't. don't leave."

those words were the last straw and jimin connects their lips together as their tears flowed down their cheeks uncontrollably, making them taste the saltiness during their kiss. maybe the last kiss they'll ever share with each other. neither of them knew who's tears they were's but they didn't care as long as they were in each other's arms.

jimin throws his arms around jungkook's neck and jungkook's palm on jimin's cheek as their lips move in sync. they have been craving for each other's lips for so long, and it fdelt so good to feel those familiar lips again after such a long time. they kissed and kissed, not wanting to let go but they knew they have to eventually.

jimin broke the kiss.

they pant, heavy breaths filling the air as they look at each other, with sorrow and painful evident in their eyes and jimin's tears start to pool at the corner of his eyes. "no, baby, please don't cry. you know how much i hate seeing you cry." jungkook whispers with a soft voice, caressing jimin's cheek gently. jimin's head shifrs towards the ground, ashamed that he was the one who wanted to leave but he couldn't do it.

"hey, look at me." jungkook speaks softly, brushing his thumb over jimin's upper cheek. jimin didn't want to as he felt embarrassedd and ashamed of himself but jungkook's voice sounded so alluring that jimin looks up to jungkook's brown orbs. "let's start all over again,"

jimin looked at jungkook with confusion written across his face. jungkook lets go of jimin and takes a step back.

"let's start all over again. from the start." jungkook smiles reassuringly, holding out his hand for jimin. jimin's eyes widened a bit, taken aback by his sudden request. he didn't think jungkook would take him back, considering how much they've ruined each others' day by throwing shit at each other for such little things.

jimin's eyes soften and he reaches his hand out falteringly, then taking jungkook's hand in his.

"hi, my name is jeon jungkook and i am 24 years old."

jimin giggles and jungkook swore his heart did a flip. he felt relieved to see jimin smiling agan after all those tears. "hello, i'm park jimin and i am 26 years old."

they both grinned at each other with such warmness that it could melt even the coldest hearts.

"you know what, fuck it. i really want to kiss you right now." jungkook grabs jimin's arm and drags him closer towards him, smashing their lips together again. jungkook swore he felt jimin smile in their kiss.

the end <3

FINALLY!!! i wrote this for 4 months n im sorry to keep u guys waiting. i hope you liked it, even though it was pretty bad ;(
thank you for ur support n i'll see u guys in the next one <33

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